i m l i
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IN S C O T L A N D ,
for croffing a rivulet, enter the ihire of
B e r w i c k .
I ; Soutry hill, from whence is a fine view of the firth of Forth,
■county of Fife, thzBafs ifie, and the rich county of Eaft-Lothian
ediately beneath us. This advantageous fituation made it a
L beacon, which caufed it to be particularly noticed in the-
j B S laws on that account +. Cr0& a tedious dreary moor,
defcend into-
L a u d e r d a l e ;
M narrow bottom, uninclofed, and deftitute of wood I but
Idant in corn. Reach Lauder, a fmaH town, noted for an
blent a£t of juffiice done by the nobility on the upftart favourites
I Imts III. Cochran a mafon, created Earl of Mar, Hommil a
lor, Leonard a fmith,' Rogers a mufician, and Rorfifan a fencing- 4er, direfting all his councils. The nobility afiembled here
ti their vaflals, in obedience to his majefty’s fummons, in order
I repel a foreign invafion I but took this opportunity to free
jmfelves from thofe wretched minifters. They met m the church
Iconiult the neceffary meafures; and while they were in debate,
I te , deputed by the king, knocked at the door, to demand t e
lie of their affembly. His attendance, and his drefs, as defcnbed
\Undefay, are moft defcriptive of the fellow’s arrogance, who
jas well accompanied with a band of men of war, to the number
Jfthree hundred light axes, all clad in white livery, and black
Jbends thereon, that they might be known for Cochran the Earl o
W s men. Himfelf was clad in a riding-pie of black velvet,
* Skent's Aclcs, p. 38, 12th pari. J am n II. c