M e l eo s .
hfes was often an over-match for the regal. Such was the cafe
prefent; James therefore was obliged to apply to Buccleugh, a poy
borderer, to attempt his deliverance. That lord, in order to brin
his majefty within the limits of his eftate, encouraged all kinds
excefles among his people. This brought the king, attended 1
Angus, to fupprefs their depredations. Buccleugh appeared «
his powers: a Ikirmifh begun, the Scots were defeated, J
James was for a time obliged to fubmit to the tyranny of.U
At a fmall diftance lie the elegant remains of the abbv
Melros, founded in 1x36, by David I. as thefe jingling li
Anno milleno centeno, ter quoque deno,.
E t fexto C h r i s t i , Mekofe, fundata fuilti.
David peopled it with Cijlertians, brought from Rivale ai)l
in TorkJIsire, and dedicated it to the virgin Mary. At the
formation, James Douglas was appointed commendator, who d
down much of the building in order to ufe the materials in buildinj
a large houfe for himfelf, which is ftili Sanding, and |
1590. Nothing is left of the abby, excepting a part of tlj
cloifter walls, elegantly carved; but the ruins of the church afl
of moft uncommon beauty; part is at prefent ufed for divini ■!
fervice, the reft uncovered ; but every part does great honor I
the architect, whofe memory is preferved on, the walls in the^ |
uncouth lines :
John Murdo fum tym ca llit was I*
And born in ParyJJe ce rtainly;
And had in kepying all malom werk»
O f Santandroys, the hye kirk
k ix v .