
eleven thoufand inhabitants, nine thoufand of whom are of the
eftablilhed church of Scotland; the reft of a variety of perfuafions,
fuch as Epifcopalians, Non-jurors, Glaflites, and Seceders; the fe-
cond chiefly confifts of a congregation of Venerable Females. The-
town has but one parilh, fupplied with three churches, befides the
chapels for fuch who diflent from the eftablilhed church.
The two principal ftreets are remarkably fine : in fome of the lef-
ler ones are ftill to be feen a few wooden houfes in the old ftyle; but
as they decay, the tnagiftrates prohibit the re-building them in the
feme manner. The great improvement of the town is to be dated
from the year 1745, it being fuppofed to have increafed one third
fince that turbulent period: for the government of this part of
Great-Britain had never been properly fettled till a little after that
The Tay walhes the eaft fide of the town, and is deep enough
to bring veflels of one hundred and twenty tuns burden as far as
the quays : and, if Dutch-built, or flat-bottomed, even of two hundred
tuns burden. This enables the inhabitants of Perth to carry
on a moft confiderable trade. The exports are as follow: Of
white and brown linens, about feventy-five thoufends pounds worth
are annually fent to London, befides a very great quantity that is
difpofed of to Edinburgh and Glafgow: and London, Manchejler and
Glafgow take about ten thoufand pounds worth of linen yarn.
Lintfeed oil forms a confiderable article of commerce. Seven
water-mills belonging to this place are in full employ, and make, on
a medium, near three hundred tuns of oil, which is chiefly fent to
London, and brings in from eight to nine thoufand pounds. The
firft millfor this purpofe was erefted, about the beginning of this century,
tury,'by John Duke of Athol. At the firft a glafs of whiiky, mixed
with half as much of the oil, was* a falhionable dram ; but this
foon grew out of ufe, as well as thé cuftom of throwing away the
lintfeed cakes ; which are now fold at a good price, and ufed with
the utmoft fuccefs in feeding cattle. The gentleman is now living,
who firft introduced ftall-fed beef into the market of Perth. Before
that time the greatèft part of Scotland lived on felt meat
throughout the winter, as the natives of the Hebrides do at prefect,
and as the Englijh did in the feudal times *. So far behind
has North-Britain been in the conveniencies of life, and fuch rapid
progrefs has it of late made towards attaining them.
ATh e exports of wheat and barley are from twenty-four to thirty
thoufand bolls.
«Confiderable quantities of tallow, bees wax, drefled lheep-lkins,
drefled and raw calve-ikins, and raw goat-lkins are ihipped from
this place.
i t The export of falmon to London and the Mediterranean brings
in from twelve to fourteen thoufand pounds. That fiih is taken
here in great abundance. Three thoufand have been caught in
one morning, weighing, one with another, fixteen pounds a-piece ;
the whole capture being forty-eight thoufand pounds. The fiihery
logins at St. Andrew’s-day, and ends Augufi 26th, Old Style. The
rents of the fiiheries amount to three thoufand pounds a year.
* We admire the ftock o f provifions in the larder o f the elder Sfencer about
the year 1327, when, as, late as May, the carcaffes o f 80 failed beeves, 500 bacons,
and 600 muttons were found, mere reliques o f his winter provifions. But in thofe
days, there was no hay, no harvefted food for domeflic animals.