[ Scabious root, or the bark of aih tree burnt, was adminiftered
ifor the tooth- ach.
The water ranunculus is ufed inftead of cantharides to raifc
But among the ufeful plants, the Corr or Cor-meille * muft not
,be omitted, whpfe roots dried are the fupport of the highlanders
lin long journies, amidft the barren hills deftitute of the fupports
£ ’f life; and a fmall quantity, like the alimentary powders, will
for a long time repel the attacks of hunger. Infufed in liquor 4t is an ao-reeable beverage, and, like the Nepenthe of the Greeks,
exhilerates the mind. From the fimilitude of found in the name,
it feems to be the fame with Chara, the root difcovered by the
fcldiers of Ctefar at the fiege of Dyrracbium f , which fteeped
in milk was fuch a relief to the famiihed army. Or we may rea-
l'onably believe it to have been the Caledonian food defcribed by
J)io 1", of which the quantity of a bean would prevent both
hunger and thirft: and this, fays the hiftorian, they have ready
. for all occafions.
Among the plants of mere rarity, muft be reckoned the trailing
ii thyme leaved Azalea, and the reclining Sibbaldia. The firft is
found on Crouachan, and on Benmore; the laft on Benmore.
Mr. John Stuart informed me, that he had difcovered, in fome
■ part of Breadalbane, the Betula Nana, or Dwarf Birch. This
"; plant grows in plenty in fome boggy ground in the canton of
m.'Schmitz,- where the natives believe it. to be the.fpecies with which
* Orolus tubero/ui, wood peafe. Hud/. F I. Ang. 274.
4 Ca/ar, de Bel. C iv ili lib. III. I In vita Sever!.