
Border house.
p. 68.
Ima g e .
p . 74.
V a u l t .
-p . 90.
D um f r i e s .
p . 106.
D r u m l a n r i g .
p . 107.
I bid .
H am i l t o n .
p. 122.
P o r t e r .
p . 131.
D u n g l a s .
p. 141.
If the robbers attempted to break it open, they were annoyed
from above by the flinging of great ftones, or by deluges of Raiding
By the rudder in her hand itfeems to have been a F o r t u n e ,
a hundred and twenty-feet long, defigned for a granary.
Before we left the town, we were honored with its freedom, bellowed
on us in the politeft manner by the magiftrates,
extending an hundred and forty-five feet in front.
Over the entrance is a cupola, whofe top is in the ihape of a vail:
ducal coronet.
The old caftle of Hamilton, being poflefled by certain of the name,
who had been guilty of the deaths of the' Earls of Lenox and Murray,
was, on the 19th of May 1579, furrendered; and by the order of
the king and council entirely demolilhed-h
Dublin is extremely capable of fupplying Ireland with this liquor,
but, as I am credibly informed, the attempt is almoft prohibited by
a hard and unpolitical tax.
The fort was blown up in 1640, as fome fay, by the defperate
treachery of an Englijh boy, page to the Earl of Haddington, who
with numbers of people of rank were miferably deftroyed
* Life o f Lord Keeper Guildford, p. 138. 4 Moyfes, 33.
I Wbitelock, 35. Crawford's Peerage, 182.
Crofs the new bridge, at whofe foot on that fide is Corbel, a fort of G l a sg ow.
fubur’bs to Glafgow. The county of Lanerk ftill extends three miles
down the river 5 but after a ihort ride I enter the ihire of
R e n f r e w .
It was even * faid, that Mary unconfcious of events firuck coins "dol l a r ? " "
on the occafion, with the figure of the fatal tree, honored with a P- 143-
crown, and diftinguiihed by the motto, Dat gloria vires. But I have
opportunity of contradidling this opinion from an examination of
the coins themfelves, whofe dates are 1565,1566, and 1567 f . The
tree is evidently a palm, circumfcribed Exurgat D eu s , dijfipentur
inimici ejus, Pendent from the boughs is the motto above cited,
which is part of the following lines taken from Propertius, alluding
to a fnail climbing up the body of the tree, a modeft comparifon of
the honors that Henry Darnley received by the union with his royal
fpoufe., * . . .
Magnum iter afcendo, fed dat tnihi gloria <virtst
Non juvat ex facili, lata corona jugo . L ib . IV . E l. 2.
The girl at Warbois made a reply equally great. Her perfecutors- W it ches .
had only one circumftance againft her ; that of concealing herfelf:
fbr when the mob came to feize her mother, ihe hid herfelf in the
coal hole. On her tryal, the byftanders, pitying her1 youth and
innocence, advifed her to plead her belly; ihe replied with the utmoft
fpirit, that notwithjlanding they had power to put her to death, they never
Jhould make her deftroy her reputation by fo infamous a plea.
# Billiop Nicholforfs Scottijb Library, 323.
J. a I/a A v /am* . O Ai n p tfl n I n r
p. 150.
[d] Towart