A field appointed, and the king and his nobility affembled as fpec-
j l On reviewing the combatants, one of the Clan-Cbattan
I B with a pannic) was miffing-, when it was
,p t0 form a parity of numbers, that one of the Clan-Kay ffiould
withdraw but fuch was the fpirit of that brave people, that not
S could be prevailed on to refign the honor and danger of the
X At length one Henry Wind, a fadler, who happened accidentally
to be prefent, offered to fupply the place of the loft Mac
I E for the fmall fum of a French crown of gold. He was accepted
; the combat began, and Henry fairly earned his pay, for
by! his prowefs, viftory declared itfelf in favor of his party. Of
that of Clan-Cbattan only ten and the volunteer were left alive, and
every one of them dangerouily wounded. O f the Clan-Kay only
onefurvived, who declining fo unequal a combat, flung himfelt
into the lay, and fwam over unwounded to the oppofite ihore *.
Ride over the bridge of Perth, the moft beautiful ftrudture of
the kind in North-Britain, defigned and executed by Mr. Smeton.
Its length is nine hundred feet; the breadth (the only blemiih)
Jfcrenty-two within the parapets. The piers are founded ten feet
feneath the bed of the river, upon oaken and beechen piles, and
jfhe ftones laid in puzzalane, and cramped with iron. The number
I f arches nine; pf which the centre is feventy-five feet in diameter,
irhis noble work opens a communication with all the different great
toads of the kingdom, and was completed at the expence of twenty-
ffix thoufand pounds : of this the commiffioners of forfeited eftates,
fby his Maiefty’s permiffion, gave eleven thoufand; Perth, two;
P e r t h b r id g e .
* Buchanani lib. X . c . 2> 3*
CL private