
URI fin uiLi
S ir N i ch o l a s
C a r ew .
K i l l e g r e w .
D u e d ’A l v a .
proved the opinions they armed in favor of. He was the fpiriR
rival of Leicejler; but the death of Sujfex left the event of their
pute undetermined.
Leicejler, his antagonift, is here reprefented, in a three-quarl
piece, dated 1587 ; with the collar of the garter, and a ftaffini
A fine full length o f the Duke of Minmouth, with long hair,
A half length of Sir Nicholas Carew, mafter of the horfe tnffl
VIII. There is vaft ipirit in his countenance. In his hat is a w J
feather; his head is bound round with a gold fluff handkerchief.. Hi
was beheaded in 1539, as Lord Herbert fays *, for being of couni
with the Marquis of Exeter, a favourer of the dreaded Cardinal P J
then in exile. During the time of his confinement in the tower 1
imbibed the fentiments of the reformers,, and died avowing thi
faith -f-.
Killegrew, gentleman, of the bedchamber to Charles II. in a red fad
with his dog. A man of wit and humourand on that accounted
tremely in favor with the king.
A good half length of Mr. Thomas IVindham, drowned on the coal
o f Guinea, aged 42, M. D. L . a robuft figure, in. green,.with a red]
faih, and gun in his hand.
A three-quarter length, unknown, dated 1596, aged 43* dreffl
in a ftriped jacket, blue and white ; black cloak and breeches, whin
tuff, gloves on, collar of the garter.
Here are alio fome illuftrious foreigners. A half length, infcribcl
Hill. Henry VIII. 503., •f- Hollinjheady. 946*
\mndes de Toledo, Duke of Aha, in. rich armour, with his baton •,
iort black hair, and beard. A great officer, and fortunate till his
:ian of cruelty. He boafted, that he had caufed, during his com-
iand in the Low Countries, eighteen thoufand people to perifh by the
sccutioner. He vifited England in the train of his congenial mailer,
to ll. I imagine that this portrait was painted when the Duke
ns young; for I have feen one (fent into England by the late Mr.
mamin Keen) now in poffeffion of the bifhop of Ely, which reprejits,
him with a vaft flowing white beard.
A three-quarter length of Andrew Doria, the great Genoefe admiral, A nd r ew D o r i a .
ndpatriot. He is drefled in black, in a cap, a collar, with, the
Itece pendent •, a truncheon in his hand, and a-dagger in his girdle,
iew of fhips through a window.
Garcia Sarmienta Cuna ; a full length, in armour -, a ruff, red
lockings, white ihoes, a crofs on his breaft, a fpear in his hand.
Be was captain of the guard to Phili-D II.
A three-quarter length of a man in a.fcarlet robe ; and over his
left Ihoulder a white mantle; a fcarlet cap tied. in. the middle, and
(pen behind ; a narrow white ruff 5. and a collar, of the fleece. The
fcarlet robe is furred with white : on it are feveral. times repeated
efewords, Ah | amprins au rajay ! Oh ! had I undertaken i t !
In the hall is a tablet, with the whole hiftory of IduLphus, and his
progeny, infcribed on a tablet, furrounded with, the family arms ■;
nd round the room feventeen piftures of his defcendents, down to
§* Lord Lumley, who feemed to have a true veneration for his
Bceftors. Liiilph'us appears again in the kitchen, mounted on a
torfe of full fize, and with a battle-ax in his hand.. When J times I.
Hone of his progreffes,, was entertained in this caftle, William
Fernan\ ¡L ~ .. Jamesy