
anfwered and underlyen the law for their convocating the number of
three or four hundreth men in Aprile laft, by fending of Eyre proces
thro’ thelfle o i Mull, Mover an, and other places, and remaining and
abydeing upon the lands of Knokerfmartin in ane warlyke pollute»
from the 22d of the faid month .to the laft thereof; as alfo convocating
one hundreth men, and keeping them in arms the fpace fore-
faid at Gadderly and Glenforfay ; and licklike for garrifoning the houfe
and fort of Cairnbulg upon the day of the faid month, or ane
or other of them, with the number of armed perfons, and appointing
a captain and other officers for keeping the fame, and fe-
curing the country againft the execution of our laws ; for their violent
away carrying feveral corns, bear, horfe, and fwyne, arrefted
upon the lands of Croffchoill and Sulanavaig, by Duncan Clarke Mef-'
fenger, notwithstanding 0f a. lawful intimation made by the faid
Meflenger of the faid arreftment * and likewife for the faid Lauchlan
Me. Laine of Broloies, and David Ramfay CommilTary of the Ifles,
and their followers, being in Tirie in Aprile laft, and oppreffing the
tennants there, by quartering and forning upon them, and caufing
bring meal and provifion frae the tenants and pofieflbrs of Kendway
m Tirie, and others, to Lauchlan Me. Lame Baillie, in Tirie, his houfe
in Kilfaile ; and laftly, for the forfaid perfons and their followers,
in the months of March or Aprile laft, their entering into a, league
and bond, and obligeing themfelves by oath to join and adhere
one to another, and immediately thereafter garrifoned the houfe and
fort of Cairnbulg in manner forfaid, eontrar to and in contempt of our
laws and adfcs of parliament made againft thefe crymes in manner at
length fpecified in the Criminal Letters railed againft them thereanent,
as the faid Letters of Denunciation, duly execute and regiftrate in the
books of adjournal of the Jultice Court of the Shyre of Argyle, Conform
to the aft of parliament, produced in the prefence of the Lords
of our Privy Councel bears. At the procefs of the which horn the
forenamed perfons moft proudely-and contemptuoully lye and remain
taking no reguard thereof nor of our authority and laws •, hot in contempt
of the fame haunts, frequents, and repairs to all places within-
this our realm, as if they were our free Leidges. Wee therefore, with
the advice of the Lords of our Privy Council, have made and con-
ftitute, and hereby make and conftitute, the Lord Neill Campbell,
\jobn Campbell younger of Glenorphy, Sir James Campbell of Lawers,
hibn M'Leod of Dunvegan, Sir Norman M i Leod, - Campbell of
\Ardjinglas, M i Donald Captain of Clanronald, Alexander Camp-
\kll, uncle -to Auchinbreck, M^Alafier of Loop, and Duncan
\ltmart of Appin, our Commiffioners in that part, to the effedt after
fpecified Givand, Grantand, and Committand to them conjundtly-
and feverally our full power and commiffion, exprefs bidding, and
charge to convocat our leidges in armes, and to pafs, fearcb, feek,
take, and apprehend, and in cafe of refiftance or hoftile oppofition
to purfue to the death t.he faids Lauchlan Maclaine_ of Broloeis and
remnant perfons forefaids rebells, for the caufes above-written. And
if for their defence they ihall happen to flee to ftrengthes or houfes,
in that cafe, Wee, with advice forefaid, give full power and authority
to our faids Commiffioners conjunftly and feverally as faid is, to
pafs, perfue, and affedge the faids ftrengths and houfes, raife fyre and
all kynd of force and warlyke engynes that can be had, for winning
and recovering thereof,., and apprehending the faids Re-bclls and their
Complices being thereintill; and if in purfute of the faids Rebells
and their Complices, they refilling to be taken,or in affedging the