
Afcend a zig-zag walk, and, after a long labor, crofs the firft
cafcade. The path is continued among the woods to the top of
the hill: Emerge into a corn-field, re-enter the wood, and difco-
ver, from the verge of an immenfe precipice, another cataraft,
forming one vail: iheet, tumbling into the deep hollow, from
whence it gulhes furiouily, and is inftantly loft in a wood beneath.
No ftranger muft omit vifiting Monefs, it being an epitome of
every thing that can be admired in the curiofity of water-falls.
Aire. 20, Leave ¥ ay mouth. Soon reach the eaftern extremity of Lord
Breaddlbane'% eftate; which, I may now fay from experience,
reaches near a hundred miles; having feen the other end among
the Jlate iflands in the weftem fea.
Ride along the banks of the Lay. The river flows in frequent
reaches of confiderable length, which are finely bordered with
corn-fields, intermixed with fmall groves ; both which ipread on
both fides, far up the hills. Crofs Lay-bridge, and continue the
fame fort of pleafing ride, with one variation only, and that for
a fmall fpace where the banks heighten, and are cloathed with
hanging woods ; and near them are a few rifings covered with
A little below Lay-bridge enter that divifion of Perth/hire,
A t h o z ,
infamous, fays Camden, for its witches; with more truth, at prefent,
to be admired for its high improvements^ natural and moral.
I Enter the parilh of Logierait, containing about 2 , 2 0 0 inhabitants. L o g i e r a i t .
Go throügh the little town of Logierait, in feudal days the feat of
the regality court, where the family of Athol had an extenfive civil
and criminal jurifdidtion. By power delegated from the crown, R e g a l i t i e s .
the great men had formerly courts, with fock, fack, pitt * and gallons,
toill and hame, infangthief and outfangthief, had power to hald courts
for flauchter ; and to doe juftice upon ane man taken with theift, that
is feifed thairwith in hand have-and, or on back bear and. Juftice was
adminiftered with great expedition, and too often with vindiftive
feverity : originally the time of trial and execution was to be
within three funs : about the latter end of the laft century, the execution
was extended to nine days after fentence : but, on a rapid
and unjuft execution in a petty Scotch town, in the year 1720, the
time was to be deferred for forty days, on the fouth, and fixty on
the north, of the Lay, that the cafe might reach the royal ear, and
majefty have opportunity of exerting its brighteft prerogative.
g Above the town is the' poor remnant o f the caftle, defended Castle op Loon
the accefiible fide by a deep ditch : the other is of great
fteepnefs. It is faid. to have been a hunting-feat of Alexander III.
who in 12S5 was killed by a fall, in purfuit of his favorite
amufement. The profpeft from hence is fine; for three beautiful
vales, and two great rivers, the Lay and the Tumel, unite beneath.
This was fcledted as the place of execution, that the criminal
might appear a ftriking example of juftice to fo great an
extent of country. I muft add, that U Exécuteur de la haute juftice
* Women were ufually puniihed by drowning.
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