during pfeafure, by the members for the county and city I
Durhamj and by all the principal gentlemen in the county 1
neighborhood, to welcome his lordihip into his palatinate, J
conduced him to Darlington, where they all dined w ith h i l
after which they proceeded to Durham. Before they reachl
the city, they were met by the dean and chapter, with t J
congratulatory addrefs; the biihop and the whole compj
alighted from their carriages to receive them : when th e cereniol
of the addrefs, and his lordlhip’s anfwer was finilhed, th e procfl
lion moved oh to the city * here they were met by the corporatiol
the different companies, with their banners* and a great col
courfe of people; they proceeded immediately to the cathedrlj
where the biihop was habited upon the tomb of th e venerati
Bede, in the Galilee, at the weft end of the church ; fr om w hen i
he went in proceflion to the great altar, preceded by the J
choir, finging Te Deum : after prayers the biihop took the o a ii
at the altar, and was then inthroned in the ufual. forms, and | |
tended to the caftle by the high-lheriff and other gentlemen of]
the county. Pollard’s lands, in this county, are holden o f tliri
biihop by the fame kind of fervice as the manor of
At his lordlhip’s firft coming to Aukland, Mr. Johnfon met t |
prefent biihop at his firft arrival there, and, p re fe n tin g tl|
falchion upon his knee, addreffed him in the old form of
words, faying, “ My lord, in behalf of myfelf, as w e ll as if
the feveral other tenants of Pollard’s lands,, I do h um b ly p i
fent your lordihip with this falchion, at your fir ft coming!
here, wherewith,, as the tradition goeth, Pollard fle w of o l d ,*
1 §reat and venemous ierpent, which, did much harm to m#
Ie p t . 6.
3P S-Aut«