
to his body*. And Starcather beautifully defcribes the obfequiq
of the wicked:
Caeforura corpora curru
Excipiant famuli, promptufque cadavera li&oiy
Efferat, officiis merito caritura fupremis,
E t bujlis indigna tegi. Non fiineris illis
Pompa rogufve pium tumuli componet honorem :
Putida fpargantur campis, aviumque terenda
Morfibus, infefto maculent rus undique tabo f .
By the final fyllable, I Ihould choofe to ityle. it a monument't«|
perpetuate the memory of the gallant Mac-duff. It is a verdanl
mount, furrounded by two terraffes, with a cop at top, now Aiadrj
■by broad-leaved laburnums, of great antiquity. The battle, whici
began beneath the caftle of Dmfinane, might have fpread as far af
this place. Here the great ftand might have been made; hete|
Mac-duff might have fummoned the ufurper to yield 5 and here I
imagine him uttering his laft defiance,
I will not yield
T o kifs the ground before young Malcolm’ » f e e t ;
And to be baited with the rabble’ s curfe.
Tho u gh Birnam wood be come to Dmfinane,
And thou, oppos’d, be o f no woman born,
Y e t I w ill try the laft. Before my body
I throw my warlike Ihield. L a y on, M acduff!
A n d damn’d be he that firft cries, “ B o ld ! enough 1”
• Sauo Gram. lib. IV. p. 55» ,
+ Idem. lib. VI. p. 1.9. Aviumque terrenda
Sba k fica r , puts an idea fimilar to this in the mouth of M acb e tb^
Shall be, the maws of kites. M
In a field on the other fide of the houfe is another monument
to a hero of that day, to the memory of the brave young Seward,
feho fell, flain on the fpot by Macbeth. A ftupendous ftone marks
ihe place; twelve feet high above ground, and eighteen feet and
I half in girth in the thickeft place. The quantity below the fur-
pce of the earth only two feet eight inches ; the weight, on accurate
computation, amounts to twenty tons; yet I have been allured
that no ftone of this fpecies is to be found within twenty miles.
L But the pains that were bellowed on thefe grateful remembrances
| of departed merit, may be learned from the filial’piety of Harald,
Bhe fon of Gormon, who employed his whole army, and a vail
| number of oxen, to draw a llone of prodigious fize from the Ihore
I,of Jutland, to honor the grave of his mother *.
■ Near the great llone is a fmall tumulus, called Duff’s-know \
I where fome other commander is fuppofed to have fallen. But
mdcigle is rich in antiquities : the church-yard is replete with others
|J>f a more ornamented kind, abounding with hieroglyphic co-
■imns. Mr. Gordon has engraved all I faw, one excepted; however
■venture to caufe them to be engraved again from the drawings
p)f my fervant; for notwithstanding I allow Mr. Gordon to pofiefs
■teat merit as a writer, yet his lketches are lefs. accurate than I
■ould wilh.
■ The moll curious is that marked III. in the plate. In the up-
y r Par£ of one front are dogs and horlemen; below are repre-
■Med four wild bealts, refembling lions, devouring a human
Tgnre. The ccoouunnttrryy ppeeooppllee call all o f them
• Womii Mon. Dan, 39.
A a
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C a r v e d s t o n e s ,