
L ord L o v â t .
O r d .
p . 174.
Sw o rd .
p . 188.
p. 189.
C r y o f W a r .
P* I93*
Su m p t u a r y law.
Legiflature has given the moft honorable teftimony o f the merit
of thefon, byreftoring, in 1774, the forfeited fortunes of the father.
No patent for nobility conveyed greater glory to any one, than the
preamble to the a£t has done to this gentleman.
The Ord was the antient divifion of Cathnefs, when Sutherland was
reckoned part. The diftinftion at that time was C athenesia
cis, et ultra, montem. Sutherland was ftyl'ed then Catau, as being
more montanous : the modern Cathnefs, Guaclav, as being more
plain. *.
This was a confecrated fword prefented to James, in 1514, by
Leo X. by the hand of his legate -f.
The Jlike creich or road eollop being a certain part of the booty
challenged, according to antient cuftom, by the chieftain, for liberty
of palling with it through his territories.
In every clan the bearer had a peculiar cry of war. That of the
Macdonalds was Freich, or heath ; that of the Grants, Craig-elachie;
of the Mackenzies, Tullick-ard J.
This cuftom of covering the face was in old times abufed, and
made fubfervient to the purpofe of intrigue. There was in the
fumptuary law of James II. in 1457, an exprefs prohibition. It
direits that no woman cum to kirk, nor to menat, with her face mujfalled
or covered, that fcho may not be kend, under the paine of efcheit of the
* Annali o f Scotland, 135. f Lcjlai Hift. Scotia, 353.
J Stain's Hift. Murray, 231.
aunhie. I fufpedt much, that the head-drefles of the ladies were at
that time of the prefent faihionable altitude; for the fame fta-
tute even prefcribes the mode of that part of apparel as well as
others : thus, after dire&ions given to regulate the drefs of the men,
they are told to make their wives and dauchters in like manner be
abuilzed, ganand, and correfpondant for their eft ate, that is to fay, on their
head Jhort curches with little hudes, as are ufed in Flanders, England,
and other cuntries -, and as to their gownes, that no woman wear mer-
trickes *, nor let ties, nor tailesnnfttt in length, nor furred under, hot on a
In the neighborhood of this place were fought two fierce battles;
one between Donald Balloch, brother to Alexander, Lord of the Ifles,
who w ith a great power invaded Lochaber, in the year 1427. He
was met by the Earls of Mar and Cathnefs. The laft was flain, and
their force totally defeated f . Balloch returned to the Ifles with vaft
booty, the objedt of thefe .plundering chieftains. Here alfo the
Campbels, under the Marquis of Argyle, in February 1645, received
from Montrofe an overthrow fatal to numbers of that gallant name.
Fifteen hundred fell in the adtion, and in the purfuit, with the lois
only of three to the royalifts. Sir Thomas Oglevie, the friend of
Montrofe, died of his wounds. His death fupprefied all joy for the
In the ift of Charles I. c. 30. there was a ftrift aft againff thefe M acg rego rs .
people, ratifying all former ads of council againft them, fupprefiing
the name, and obliging them to make compearance yearly on the 24th
* Mertrickos are furs o f the martin’ s Ikin.
f Buchanan, lib. X. c . 33,.