39° A P P E N D I X .
laid.—>We lived— we grew together. O why together did we i
ajfo fa ll!
Death— thou cruel fpoiler! how oft haft thou caufed the teartj
flow ! many are the miferable thou haft made, and who can efcapl
thy dart of wOe ?
Kind Fate, come lay me low, and bring me to my houfe of reii
In yonder grave, beneath the leafy plane, my Love and I lhalldwel
in peace. Sacred be the place of our repofe.
O feek not to difturb the aihes of the dead!
n u m b e r
A P P E N D I X.
I cCOUNT of the F A S T I N G WOM A N
of Rofsjhire.
Dunrobin, Aug. 24, 1769.
fhe Information of Mr. R a i n y , Miflionary-Minifter, in Kincardine,
anent Katharine McLeod.
U/JTHARINE M ‘ LEOD, daughter to Donald McLeod, far-
[ mer, in Croig, in the parifh of Kincardine, Rofsjhire, an unmarried
toman, aged-about thirty-five years, fixteen years ago contracted a
[ever, after which Ihe became blind. Her father carried her to
fveral phyficians and furgeons to cure her blindnefs. Their pre-
[criptions proved of no effect. He carried her alfo to a lady ikilled
[nphyfic, in the neighborhood, who,doubtful whether her blindnefs
lb occafioned by the weaknefs of her eye-lids, or a defedt in her
m, found by the ule of fome medicines that the blindnefs was oc-
pfioned by a weaknefs in her eye-lids, which being ftrengthened, fhe
[ecovered her fight in fome meafure, and difcharged as ufual every
pnd of work about her father’s farm ; but tyed a garter tight round
F forehead to keep up her eye-lids. In this condition ihe continued
for four or five years, enjoying a good ftate of health, and work-
Pg as ufual. She contradted another lingering fever, of which ihe
never recovered perfedtly.
Some time after her fever her jaws fell, her eye-lids- clofed, and ihe
her appetite. Her parents declare, that, for the fpace of a year