
another place on a temporary cefiation of the works, they aJ
liable to be recalled at will, and conftrained to return on fereiJ
penalties*. This, originally founded on vaffalage, might have
been continued to check the wandering fpirit of the nation, and td
preferve a body of people together, of whofe lofs the whole publi]
might otherwife feel the moft fatal effects.
During my ftay at KHaldk I fent my fervant, Mofes Griffith J
about four miles diftant, where he drew the column J
erronepufly figured by Sir Robert Sibbaldf .. It is at prefent m J
defaced by time, but ftill are to be difcerried two rude figures oj
men on horfeback ; and on the other fides may be traced a runn j
pattern of ornament. The ftone is between fix and feven feei
high, and mortifed at the bottom into another. This is laid J
have been erefted in memory of a viftory, near the Leven, on)
the Danes in 874, under their leaders Ilungar and Hubba, by the]
Scots, commanded, by their prince, Conftantine II.
Continue my journey. After proceeding about a mile, pafs by]
the Grange, once the feat of the hero Kirkuldie, a ftrenuous parti-'
zan of Mary Stuart, after her ftorm of misfortune commented!
before, an honeft oppofer of her indifcretions. After an intrepitl
defence of Edinburgh caftle, he fell into the bands of the regent
Morton, who, fearing his unconquerable fpirit, bafely fuffered him!
to undergo the moil ignominious death.
Leave, on the left, -the ruins of Seafield caftle; a fquare tower]
• This difgrace, I believe, ie now under conftderation o f parliament; «1 will, 1 hope, be removed,
f Hiih o f F ife, p. 34,