merit o f his labours: who, after receiving under his care a Beiiwtl
feemed to be merely endowed with a human form, could produal
divina parti cub aura, latent, and, but for his Ikill, condemned i0l
ever latent in it 5' and who could reftore a child to its glad paJ
with a capacity of exerting its rational powers, by expreJ
founds of duty, love and affeftion.
Before I quit Edinburgh, I muft mention, that it is the fil
royal burgh in Scotland5 is governed by a provoff, who has t|
addition of lord, four bailies, and a dean of guild: who did J
the diftinguifhed honor of conferring on me its freedom, after I
elegant entertainment at the houfe qf the right honourable jJ
Dalrymple, L ord P r ovost.
I refer the reader to the Appendix for a lift of the maniifaauJ
in and about this great city.. I f the mention of feveral may I
thought too minute, it muft be confidered, how many even I
the neceffanes of life were wanting in North-Britain, till til
rifing induftry of the age determined that this country ihoull
fupply its own deficiencies, in the time o f James VI. how d|
plorable was its trade! for, as old Hackluyt fings, it even I
ported its wheel-barrows and cart-wheels :
A n d the Scots bene charged fenowen at the e y e ,
Out o f Flanders with little mercerie,
A nd great plentie o f haberdalhers ware
A nd h a lf her lhippes with cart-wheeles bare, '
A nd with barrowes are laden as with fubftance:
Thus moft rude ware arein her chevifance *.
But notwithftanding the prefent progrefs that Scotland has mail
* Coll. Voyages, I. i8 y .
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