a d v e r t i s e m e n t .
f T \ HI S volume brings my journies of 1769 and 1772 to a
A conclufion. I beg leave to return thanks to the feveral
gentlemen who gave themfelves the trouble o f fupplying me with
materials, and with variety o f remarks and ftriftures, that have ferved
to corredt the many miftakes I may have committed^ I hold myfelf
peculiarly indebted to
■ F r a s e r , o f Tn 'ocm ojs *
The Rev. Mr. M ac-in ty re, of Glenurchie •,
The Rev. Dr. F erguson, o f Mouline;
The Rev. Mr. Bisset, o f Logierait;
John M ackenzie, Efq. o f Delvin \
Mr. T homas M arshall, o f Perth \
Dr. D rummond ;
The Rev. Mr. D uff, of Pibbirmoor ;
The Rev. Mr. Scott, of Meigle;
J ohn H aliburton, Efq. o f Dundee;
The Rev. Mr. Bell, of Aberbrothic
P atrick Scott, Efq. of Roffie;
Mr. A lexander Ch r istie, late Provoft of Adontrofe j
R obert Barclay, Efq. of Urie-,
Profeffor W atson, of St. Andrews;
G eorge Skene, Efq. o f Carefion ;
Mr. J ames G illies, o f Brechin;
G eorge C halmers, Efq. of Dumferline;
and fuperlatively to
Mr. G eorge A l l a n , o f Darlington,
A I mull