44? A P P E N D I X.
Counties. Pariihes. ' Proteft,ants Roman
catechizable. Catholics.
St. Kilda * — — — 88
Argyle — Tir-I ----- 1240
® From M r. MacaulayHiflory o f that Illand.
n u m b e r
COPY of a W R I T of F I RE and SWORD.
P a r t II. p. 3.
“ f^ H A R LES, by the Grace o f God, King o f Great Britain,
^ France, and Ireland, Defender o f the Faith, T o our Lovites
Mefiengers, our Sheriffes in that part, conjunftly and feverally,
fpecially conftitut; And to all and fundry our Leidges whom it
effeirs, Greitting. Forafmuchas Wee and the Lords o f our Privy
Councell being informed, that upon the 23d day o f June laft by-
paft, the Perfons underwritten, viz. Lauchlan M l. Laine o f Broloies,
Heitor Dig M c. Laine his Brother, &c‘. were orderly denounced Rebels
and put to the horn by vertue o f Letters o f Denounciation
diredt at the inftance-of Duncan Fijher, Procurator Fifcal o f the
Jufticiar Court o f Argyle for our intereft, againft them, for their
not compearing perfonally within the Tolbuith o f the Burgh o f In-
nerrary, upon the faid 23d day o f June laft, before Mr. John Campbell
oiMoy, Sheriffe Depute o f the Sherriffetiome o f Argyle, to our right
trufty and well beloved Coufine and Councellor Archbald Earle o f
Argyle, Heretable Jufticiar General o f the' faid Shyre o f Argyle and
the Hies thereof, as they who were lawfuly cited upon the 24th and
25th days o f May laft, by Duncan Clarke, Mefienger, to have compeared
the faid day and- place, to have found caution afted in the
bookes o f adjournall for their compearance the faid day, to have
K k k 2 anfwered