“ again!! him, he can be immediately depofed and rendered' ini
* capable of officiating as a minifter of the gofpel. Appeal
indeed lies, as T faid before, from the decifion of the inferioj
“ to the fupreme court.
Great care is taken in preparing young men for th e . mini®
‘ ftry. After going through a courfe of philofophy in one oil
our four Univerfities, they muft attend at leaft for four years1;!
“ the Divinity-Hall, where they hear the prele&ions of th e pro®
feffors, and perform, the different exercifes prefcribed them ::i||
“ they muft attend the Greek, the Hebrew, and Rhetoric c h i l e s *
and before ever they are admitted to tryals for the m in iftr jl
“ before a Preibytery, they muft lay teftimonials from the d ifH
“ ferent profefiors of their morals^ their attendance, th e ir p r o *
grefs, before them : and if upon tryal they are found tinqua*
“ lifted, they are either fet afide as unfit for the office, or en-.j!
“■ joined to apply to their ftudies a. year or two more.
“ Our livings are in general from 60 to 120 1. fterling. Son:*
“ few livings are richer, and a few poorer. Every m in ifte r b e *
“ fides is entitled to a manfion-houfe, barn and liable ; to fo u ri
“ acres of arable and three of pafturage land. Our liv in g s 11J
“ exempted from all public duties ; as are alfo our perfon®
“ from all public ftatute-works. As fchools are erefted in ail
“ our pariffies, and that education is cheap, our young g e n e l
“ ration is beginning to imbibe fame degree of tafte and lib e r a l
“ fentiment unknown to their illiterate rude forefathers. Thl
“ Engliffi language is cultivated even here amongft thefe bleak...
“ and dreary mountains. Tour Divines, your Philofophers, yoem
“ HiftoriansJ
“ Hiftorians, your Poets, have found their way to our fequeftered
“ vales, and are perufed with pleafure even by our lowly fwains ;
“ and the names of Tillotfon, of Atterbury, of Clarke, of Seeker,
“ of Newton, of Locke, of Bacon, of Lyttelton, of Dryden, of
“ Pope, of Gay, and of Gray, are not unknown in our diftant
I land.”
C c c 2 N U M B E R