M u g d r u m c r o s s «
c fponfes ; By the divinity of St. Brigid, was one of their J
‘ folemn oaths : to her they devoted the firft day of February, sJ
* in the evening of that feftival performed many ftrange cerenj
* nies of a Druidical and moft fuperftitious kind*.’
Here were preferved her reliques ; here, in honor of her, m
founded a collegiate church ; and this place was a bilhoprick, tj
metropolitan of all Scotland, till it was in 840 tranflated to St, j
drew’s by Kenneth III, after his viftory over the P iilsf. Befoi
which it was a populous city, given by Nebiams, King of the P/a
to God and St. Brigid, till the day of judgment J.
Afcend the Ochil hills, and in lefs than two miles crofs a rivuld
.and enter into the Ihire of
1 I F E ;
the neareft or moft foutherly part of the Roman Caledmie, I
Otholinia and the Rofs of the P i bis II. The Forth-ever o r Owl
the Saxons., and the Fife of the prefent time; the laft from m
.Duffus, a warrior of the country.
Near the j unit ion of Fife and Strathern, not far fr o m the Ijl
J paffed, is Mugdrum crofs, an upright pillar, with fculpturesj
.each fide, much defaced ; but itill may be, traced fig u r e s o f M
men, and beneath them certain animals. Near this p la c e ftoodi
crofs of the famous Macduff, Thane of Fife, of which nothing"]
the pedeftal has been left for above a century paft. On it *1
• Do£tor Macpberfon, 239. + K eith’ s Biihops, 2. J Catniwi
|| Beethius, lib . IV . p. 61, S ilb a ld F ife , 1 .