
three o f the monks always refided on it. The revenues of the
place were not large, not exceeding feven hundred and four pounds
two ihillings and tenpence halfpenny in Scots money. At the Re.
formation Balmerino was eredted into a barony, in favour of Sit
James Elphinfton, whofe defcendant fell an honeft vidtim to mi faker,
principles in 1746.
Near the village of Invergowrie, quit the ihire of Perth, and
enter that of
A N G U S . '
And after a ride of three or four miles arrive at its capital, the
city of D undee, a well-built town, feated on the asftuary of the
Pay, about eight miles from the mouth, in ¿at. 56.— 24. 30. low ■
from London 3— 5. 3. weft, and is the5 third in rank of the royal
boroughs. The number of inhabitants in the town and fub-
urbs amount nearly to fourteen thoufand. Here are three efta-
blifhed churches, with three minifters and two affiftants, for the
difcharge of the duty of the parilh, which includes a certain diftrift
near the town ; belides there are two epifcopal chapels, a meeting-1
houfe for the Glajfites*, and three for the burgher and antiburgher
The town is feated on the fide of' a hill, and is rather irregularly
laid out. Above it -is Law of Dundee■, a mark to feanaen. ;
The harbour is artificially protedted by piers, and furnifhed with
* O r the followers o f A ir. John Gla/s, founder o f the fe£t o f Independents in
a quay,.
a quay, on which are three very handfome public warehoufes,
built in 1756'. The largeft is compofed of a centre a hundred
feet long, with two handfome wings, all built of free-ftone, and
their corners adorned with ruftic work. The harbour is very
commodious, and very accefiible by people that are acquainted with
it. There are on the north fhore, near the entry of the asftuary, two
light-houfes, very completely finifhed, and well attended, being
the property of the fraternity of feamen at Dundee-, but the want
of a new furvey is much to be regretted, as the fands have of late
years fhifted: the public therefore look up to the Admiralty expecting
its attention in this important article. The port will contain
about two hundred fail, has at fpring tides fourteen feet water,
and admits veifels of upwards of three hundred tuns burden.
There are at prefent about feventy Ihips belonging to the place,
and one of two hundred and fixty-four tuns, that is employed in
the Greenland whale-fiihery. An attempt is now making to revive
the coafting cod-filhery.
■ The manufadtures of Dundee are linen, efpecially of Ofnahurghs,
fail-cloth, cordage, threads, thread-ftockings, buckrams (a new
work in Scotland) tanned leather, and fhoes, for the London market
; hats, which has let alide their importation from England for
the fupply of thefe parts •, and laftly, as an article of trade may be
mentioned a fugar-houfe, eredted about feven years ago, which
Boes confiderable bufinefs. Here was, in memory of man, a ma-
pufafture of coarfe woollen cloth, called Plaiden, which was exported
undreffed, undyed, to Sweden, Germany, and the United
provinces, for cloathing the troops of thofe countries ; but'this
■fas fuperfeded by that of Ofnahurghs, which commenced in the
R 2 year