G a n n a c h i e 7
fi R ID G E ,
E d z e l .
ftone, probably once erett. Along the top is an oval hollot
about fix feet deep : us length, within, a hundred and fifty-tw!
the breadth, in the middle, fixty-fix 5 the length from the ottlij
of the furrounding dike, a hundred and fixty-feven 5 the breadt]
eighty-three. This may be prefumed to have been monumental:
the northern nations thought no labor too great in paying tldi
funeral honors to their deceafed heroes. The Tumulus of Hacon
the fize of a hill*: whole years, as well as whole armies, J
employed in amaffing thefe ilupendous teftimonies of reM
Three years were confumed in forming one, the common labord
two uterine brethren, Norwegian chieftains-f-
'Travel over an ill-cultivated flat; crofs’ the North-EJk, at J
bridge of Gannache, a vail arch, call from rock to rock, built Ij
fubfcnption, by one MUer. Beneath is a vail chafm, near!
feet deep from the top of the battlements ; through this the want
runs wtth great force. A rocky channel, with lofty and preen
tous fides, fringed with wood, forms moil pifturefque views fi»
above a quarter of a mile above and below the bridge.
Re-enter the ihire of
A N G U S ;
on whofe borders lies the cailellated houfe o f Edzel, once theft
of the moil antient branch o f the Lindfays, of the caille of In*
mark, who acquired it about three hundred years ago by then®
riage of an anceilor with the heirefs of a Sterling, who built tk
houfe, and was Lord of Glenejk, which by this match was coi
c J r lt I I W W t" DUdS gratU’ COlkm
t Idem. 3 9 .