•jlfir'Colin “ was ane great juiliciar all his tyme throchtht quhille he
■“ fuftenit that dadlie feid of the Clangregour ane lang Ipace. And
■“ befydis that he caufed execuft to the death many notable lym- 1“ meris. He behaddit the Laird M'Greg" himfelff at Candmoir in
M “ prefence of the Erie of Atholl, the juilice clerk, and fundrie 31“ other noblemen
k By a poem I met with in the library at cTayniouthi it appears,
«that this unfortunate chieftain, furnamed Duncun I-*Ciiclsv^ or the
mtrongy made a very good end; and delivered, in penitential-
»rhymes, in Spenfer’s manner, an account of his pall life, his forrow
o for his fins, and his pathetical farewell to the various fcenes of his
plundering exploits. Like Spenfer, he perfonifies the vices : The two.
vfiril ilanzas will fuffice for a fpecimen of his manner :
Qghn paflit wes the tyme o f tendir age,.
A nd youth with infolence maid acquentance,
A nd wickitnefs enforced e v ill courage;
Qnhill might with Cruehie maid alliance ;
Then Faljhead tuke on him the governance,
And me betaucht ane houlhald for to gyde
Ca llit evill companie, baith to g ang and ryde.
My maijier-houjhald wes heich OppreJJiom,
K e if my fteward that cairit o f na w r a n g ;
Murtbure, Slauchtir, ay o f ane profeffioun,
M y cubicularis, bene thir yearis lang :
:||L , Secept, that oft tuik mony ane fang,
Wes porter to the yeltis, to oppin wyde,
And Covatice wes chamberlane at all tvdc,
* Black-book-