
C ol. C hi sna l . This gentleman had the honor of defending L ; bam houfe under
p' the command of the heroine the Countefs of Derby.
P r e s t o n . ~ i t derives its name (according to Camden) from the priefis or religious
that were in old times the principal inhabitants. Here was a
convent of grey friers, or Francifcans, founded by Edmund, Earl of
Lancafier, fon of Henry III. Robert de Holland above-mentioned was
a confiderable benefa&or to the place, and was buried here. A
gentleman of the name of Prefion gave the ground *. Might not the
town take its name from him ? Here was alfo an antient hofpital,
dedicated to Mary Magdalene, mentioned 1291 in1 the Lincoln
taxation ffjf
This place was taken by ftorm in 1643, by the parlement forces
under Sir 'John Seaton, after a moft gallant defence. It was at that
time fortified with brick walls J.
P reston. North of this town began the adlion between that gallant officer
Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and the parlement forces under CromtaeL
The former commanded the Englijh army that was to ad in conjunction
with the Duke of Hamilton, in his unfortunate invafion, in July
1648. Langdale gave the infatuated Scot notice of the approach of
Cromwel, and in vain advifed the aflembling of the whole force. His
counfel was loft. He alone made a ftand in the fields near Prejlon,
for fix hours, unaffifted by the Duke, who puihed the march of his
troops over the bridge, leaving Sir Marmaduke to be overpowered
with numbers.
* Steven? s Mon ail. I. 54. f Tamer, 234;
t Parlement Chronicle, 268.
Among the attainted lands, whichwere veiled in his lordihip, are p. 20.
reckoned thofe of Pilkington, Broughton, and Wotton *.
The friend of Clarendon, and virtuous treafurer of the firft years
after the reftoration.
In the fame plate with thefe Druidical remains, is engraven a ipe-
cies of fibula cut out of a flat piece of filver, of a form better to be
exprefied by the figure than words. Its breadth is from one exterior
fide to the other, four inches. This was difcovered lodged in the
mud,, on deepning a fiih-pond in Brayton Park in Cumberland, the
feat of Sir Wilfrid Lawfon, and communicated to me by Dr. Brown-
nigg. With it was found a large filver hook of two ounces weight..
The length of the fhank from the top to the curvature at bottom,,
four inches, and three eighths.; the hook not fo long.
On No. 65. an altar,, appears Hercules with his club, and. in one A l t a r .
hand the Hefperian apples that he had conveyed. P* 54"
E a r l or
S o u t h a m p t o n .
p . 2$.
D r u i d t em p l e .
p. 38.
ab infomni male cuftodita Dracone.
What is lingular is an upright conic bonnet on his head, of the fame
kind with that in which the goddefs on whom he bellowed the fruit
is drefled -f-. On the other fide of the altar is- a man armed with a
helmet, and cloathed with a fagum claufum, or clofed frock, reaching
only to his knees. In one hand is a thick pole, the other refting
upon a wheel, probably, denoting his having fucceeded in opening,
ibme great road.
* Ltland's Itin.-VI. 35. + Monfaucon's A ntiq . I. tab. civ. f . 7 .