This htll is certainly the effeft of a vulcano ; at the one J
the hollow are two great holes of a funnel fhape, the craJ
the place through which the matter had been ejefted. 0nf,!
ixty feet in diameter, and above thirty deep r and had been J
aeeper, but was from time to time made more ihailow bytf
Hinging m of ftones, as cattle were fometimes loft in it. '
On both fides of the hill are found in digging great quantii
of burnt earth, that ferves all-the purpofes o i Tanas or thefaj
pulvis puteolanus or Puzzolana, fo frequent in countries, that aboii»
wit vulcanoes, and fo ufeful for all works that are to lie undo
water. - • uri
On descending from this, hill, find ourfelves at Akrlmrn, ]
c the church yard,- and on the road fide are to be feen fome of tli cun carved ftoneSj fui3pofed t0 have been ereaed j H |
o victories over Danes-, and other great events that happenedi
thofe parts. Thefe, like the round towers, are local monument!
but ftill more confined, being, as far as I can learn, unknown«
f and lndeed limited to the eaftern fide of North BriJ
for I hear of none beyond the firth of Murray, or that of Fd\
The greateft is that near Forres, taken notice of in the Tod
of 1769 ; and is alfo the fartheft north of any. Mr. Gordon dd
fcnbes another in the county of Mar, near the, hill Bemchif. tkj
next are thefe under confideration. The firft defcribed by that)
ingenious writer *, is that figure which ftands in the churd
yard. On one fide is the form of a crofs, as is common to moilij
and proves them at leaft to have been the work of a Cbrijtm]
* It in, Septentr. i j i ,
I--A-T A e i b