10. Saw ice floating in the ocean the firft time,, being in 5 i° =t S. lat, and 211 dr E. long;
from Greenwich.
14. Saw great fields of ice, nearly in 55° S. and between 220 and 24°.E .
2. Our latitude about^90 S. and long. 90 30' E - We turn back to the E^ftward. -
17. Crofled the antardtic circle the firft time-,. and advanced to 67° io ' S, in 39° 40^ E,.
F ebruary.
2, In feareh of M.de Kerguelen’s Land, we reach 48° 36' S . and 60 dr E„.
8. Loft company of the Adventure,, for the nrft time', in a fog.
24. Saw field ice in>. about 62°-S. and 95° E.
25. Saw the coaft of New Zeeland, to- .the fouth of WeftCape*
26. Anchofed in Duiky Ba^; ?
27. Removed into, a cove called Piekeifgiil Harbour.. ,
A pril»
2- 9. Sailed out of that cove-.
n .r Cleared the North entrance of Dufky Bay.
3- 7. Saw feveral water fpouts in Cook’s Strait.
18. Anchored in Queen Charlotte’s Sound, where we rejoined the Adventwrei
J une,
-7, Sailed from Queen Charlotte^ SbufldL ■
J uly.
9. In lat. 430 zb S; and long. 146° zb W..
1 1 . Difcovered a new low illand, Which we Called Refoliition, in-17® 24' Si and 1410'39V
W.— fn the evening difcovered'another^ which received'the name of Doubtful Ifland-,.
in 170 20■ S. and 1420 3-8^ W..
12. Discovered a low illand^ which we; namedFurneaux Illandj in- 17? 5 ' S.-and 1430*
16' W.
33. Difcovered' a. fourth, which we named Adventure Ifland^ in 170 4' S. and 14-4° 3©r
W.— Pafled Chain Illand in the afternoon.
15. Saw. Maitea, which captain Wallis calls Ofnabruck Illand,, in i j f 48' S. and 148° it/;
W.— In the evening law Taheitee.
16. The Refolution ftruck on the coaft of Taheitee,. but was got off again.
1-7. Both Ihips anchored-in Aitepehaharbour, in the leffermenihfula of/Tiiheke'e^.named
24. Sailed from Ajtep^ha harbour.
25. Anchored in Matavai Bay, on the greater peninfula of Taheitee, named"Tobreonoo.
Xts North point, called Point Venus, is fituated in 17° 29' 15" S. and 149° 3 5' W.,
1 September.
1. Sailed, from Taheitee.
2. Saw Huahine, one of the Society I Hands.
3. Saw Raietea, Taha, and Borabora, three of the Society Wands; and anchored in
Wharr^-haibouf, on Huahine, in 16° 44* S. and 1510 f W.
7. .Sailed from Huahine. |j
8. Anchored in Hamaneno harbour, - on Raietea, fituated in 160 4^ S. and 151®
34- rW ,
j4 . Two boat9 were fent to the I île of Taha. ’ ,
17. We fiiiled-from,Raietea.-^Paffed by .Borabora, in 1 6p 2 / ,S. -and 151? 50’ W. alfo pafled .to
. • the Southward o f Mowma, in 160 2$' S. and 15 2° 8' W* ~
23. Difcovered alow illand, which we -named Hervey’s Illand in 19° :i8A S, and 158®
October,- •
2. In the evening faw Eaoowhe, which Tafman calls Middleburg Illand, which is about
four, leagues long -, its middle lying in 2 x.P .22' S. and 174° 42^ W .
3. Anchored in the road off its N . W. end.
4. Sailed, and in the evening came to an anchor in Van Diemen’s road, at the N.W. end of
Tonga-Tabboo, the Amfterdam Illand of Tafman, which ,is nearly twenty leagues
in. circuit, its middle being in 21° 1 1! S . and 175° W ,
7. Sailed from Tonga-Tabboo.
8. i
io j- Saw Pylftaert Wand in .22° 26' S . 175° 59^ W.
21. Made the coaft o f New-Zeeland near Portland, Wand. .
29. Loft company of the Adventure a fécond time, and never rejoined her afterwards.
N ovember»
2. Anchored in a bay under Cape Tra-Whittce on the North fide of Cook’s Strait.
. 3. Anchored in. Queen Charlotte’s Sound the fécond time.
25. Sailed from New.Zeeland.
D ecember.
6. In the evening crofled the point o f the Antipodes of London.
12. Saw tlie firft ice this feafon in 62° zb S. and between. 17 2° and 173° W.
15. Saw field-ice in 66°-S. and 138? W.
20. Crofled the antar&ic circle, .advancing a fécond time into the frigid zone in 147° 30’ W.
25. Left the frigid zone in 1.3,5° lH* after failing upwards of 12°o f longitude within it.
J a n u a r y . “
3 1. Reached the latitude of 47°.5i"S , and longitude 1220 3 o'- d= W.
26, Crofled the antarctic circle again, and entered the frigid' zone the third time in 109° 40'W.
30. We :were flopped by immenfe ice-fields in 7 1° 10■ 30" S. and 107° zb W . that being the
furtheft pulh towards the South Pole which has hitherto .been made.