242: R E M A R K S' ,o; n t h t
v a r i e - v i n c e d t h e m t h a t w e d i d n o t i n t e n d t o .d o t h e m a n y h a rm , t h e y l e t uss
^ m e n * f r e e l y p a l s a n d . repaf s . . I h a v e , - g o n e .- a c c o m p a n i e d b v o n e o r t w o !
perfons only, feveral.miles up the country. I hardly know an.in-,
banco o f their Healing any thing; fromms.. T h e y Ihewed.at times,
ajmoft as much levity as the other nations o f the South Seas; though
in my opinion they, were in general.more grave; however they are
lively,, brifk, and ready to do any lervice that lies in their power,.,
or to give any information, that is wanted, provided the. enquirer .
ean-make. himfelf underHood.,
‘thirdly,. T h e natives of. M a l l i c o l l o are a fossil,. nimble,,;
bender,, black, and ill-favoured fet-.of- beings, .that, o f a ll men I.ever,
law, border the neareft upon .the tribe of monkies. Their flc-ulls are,
o f a very lingular Hructure, being from the root o f the nofe more.:
deprelfed backward, than in any o f the other , races-of mankind,.,
which, we had formerly feen.. Their women are ugly and deformed,_
and as I have before remarked in each o f the varieties of men o f the
fecond race, they were here likewife obliged to. ad: the part o f pack-
horfes, in carrying provifions for their indolent hulbands, and to-
do all the moft laborious drudgery in the plantations. The hair is-
in the greater part o f th£m woolly and frizzled.. Their, ears and
nofes perforated, for the infertion o f large rings in the one, and of;
Hicks or Hones in the other. Their complexion is footy, their'
features harlh, the cheek bone and face broad, and: the whole.
S counte-
H U M A N S P E C I E S. * 4 3
countenance h ighly difagreeable. Their limbs are llender, though
well lhaped, and the belly conHrided by a. firing to fuch a degree, as
. no European-could bear without the greatefi inconvenience. Th e
genitals are wrapped in and tucked up, in the fame manner as at
Tanna and New Caledonia. One of their arms is ornamented by
a bracelet fixed on it when young, and which therefore, can never
.after be removed in grown perfons. I ohferved feveral among thefe
■ people, who were very hairy all over the body, the back not excep
ted; and this circumfiance -I alfo obferved in Tanna and New
' Caledonia. Th e y are nimble, lively; and refilefs; fome o f -them
-feem to be ill-natured and mifchievous,; but the generality, o f
a friendly and. good difpofition. T h e y feem to love joy and merriment;
mafic, fongs, and-dances. Though their ..poifoned arrows
"had no effedt.upon our dogs, I am however, not yet clear that they
are entirely harmlefs; i f Co the natives would not have To"
. anxioufly witheld our hands, whenever we wanted to try the points'
o f thefe infefted arrows with our.fingers : nor can I conceive for
what reafon they fhould ■ take fo much trouble in -fmearing and
preferving- the refinons fubHance onthe' honey points o f thefe arrows-;
Quiros who faw the fame nation, likewife fufpedted their arrows '
•to be poifoned. I am therefore apt'to fufpedt them to 'be very'
■ cruel and implacable enemies. I cannot at the fame time omit to
‘do them juflice, in. obferving that they were not deftitute o f prin-
I i 2 - ciples
M E N .