H E "M A R K S son t h e
mod effectual mean's o f preventing the degeneracy. and' debale-
men t o f their noble and athletic race; and we may conclude from
thence, that conftant intermarriages in the fame tall tribes, . render
the greatt lize o f body more fixed, and invariably fettled;
npr muft it be omitted, that as growth depends on food, climate,
and cxercife,' in thefe nations, all thefe circumftances concur to
make them a ftrong, flout, and tall race o f men. T h e chace provides
them plentifully with food, which is both varied and falubri-
ous. T h e ..climate is moderate, and they have cloth made o f the
beft Ikins and furrs, to ferve them in any feafon. Laftly, they
are feldom at reft, they move and; roam, over. a ll . the -immenfe parts
o f America,'South of the river of Plate, to the ve ry . ftraits o f
Magellan; they hunt, ride, and learn the ufe o f their arms, and
therefore take the moft falutary exercife, communicating to their
body and its parts fufficient ftrength and confidence, without
crippling their limbs by too early, too violent, or too long continued
labour, or ftarvipg them into a puny figure, by too clofe
application, drudgery, and the exhauftion o f their animal and
vital fpirits. This argument is likewife confirmed by a curious
inftance in our Northern climate. Th e guards o f the late king,
Frederick William o f Pruflia,. and likewife thofe p f the, prefent
monarch, who all are o f an uncommon lize, have been ftationed
.at Potzdam, for fifty years pall, A great number of the prefent
o f that place are o f a very high ftature, which is more
elpecially ftriking in the numerous gigantic figures o f women.
This certainly is owing to the conneftions and intermarriages of
the tall men with the females of that tow n .* Having therefore
ftated both the probability and reality o f fuch a tall race of men
in Patagonia, from the beft authenticated teftimonies o f refpe&able
writers, and from arguments founded in nature; I lhall take leave
o f this fubjeft with the obvious remark, that it is as unjuft as it
is illiberal to rail at thofe who are ftill o f opinion, that fuch tall
people are found on the extremity o f South America.
T o the South o f the ftraits o f Magalhaens, on Tierra del Fuego,
are a tribe o f people apparently much debafed, or degenerated
from thofe nations which live on the continent. Their broad
Ihoulders and chefts, large heads, and the general call o f their
features, would prove them to be defcended from the men living
next to them, though that faithful and intelligent writer, Mr.
Falkner had not informed us, that they belonged to the Tacatia-
cunne.es. ■ƒ■ But at the fame time I lhall likewife oblerve, that
it appears from the accounts mentioned before, that the tall race
K. k o f
* Though I havfe been myfelf at Potzdam, it is however fo long ago, and at fo early a
period of life, when people are not mindful enough, or capable of making obfervations,
that I never to„k notice of it j but I owe this information to a gentleman whole fpirit of
obfervation, and literary talents make his authority indifputable.
^ Falk net’s Dcfcription of Patagonia, p. 91, i n .