R E - M A II K s mm TH E
s .rally lead them towards the .bleffings,of civilization. In O-Tahei*-
.tee, and .its, neighbourhood, the women are; .poffeffqd of a delicate
organization,, a : fpfightly turn o f mind, a lively, fanciful imagination,
a wonderful quicknefs ;o f parts and fallibility, a lvveetnefs o f
-temper, and a defire to pleafe,; -all which, when found connected
with primitive fimplicity o f manners,; when accompanied with a
charming franknefs, ".a beautifully proportioned fhape, ■ an irrefiftible
fmile, and eyes-full of fweetpefs and fparkling w ith fire, contribute
to captivate the hearts o f their ,-men, and toi;fecure to them a juft
and-moderate influence in-domeftlc ami even public affairs. We
find the women efteemed. at O-Taheitee, and its neighbourhood s
they mix in all fociedes, and are, allowed;. ,to,; ponyerfe freely . with
every body without reftridtion, which enables them to . cultivate
their minds, and to acquire that polifh, which afterwards, contributes
to improve the manners o f their young men ; for, as it is pne
o f the.ichief points of female education, in thefe happy, ifles; -tpjlearn
the great art to pleafe, they are inftrudted in all the means of gaining
the affedtion o f the males, offtudying every winning art, .and .of habituating
themfelves to that fweetnefs of; temper which never .fails
to merit the.return o f attachment, o f friendfhip .apd loye. ,,Their
frequent fongs, their dances, their innocent laughter, and .humorous
mirth, all confpire to make the moft lafting impreflions upon
the youths o f the other fe%, and to cement an union-which, i§;dif7
iolved only by death. Fuit
Fuit-hide fapientik. quondam: ' ■
Concubitu prohib'ere vago: dare jura maritis.- |
H o s k T , A r t . P o e t .
But it i'S'retnarkable'f 'that though the female lex has1 already &
much fbftened the manners o f their -countrymen, there ftill remain
feme ftrokes in their euftoms-, which Item tb*p’rdve, that the fair lex
did.not always enjoy that efteern and equality, which is- now allotted
to them-. Wherever women in a nation are coniidered as: the drudges
e f the family, there they muft be contented to take their vidtuals
feparately- from their furly- ferds and'hufbantls T h is inequitable
euftonii, however, is Univerfally received at Taheitee and-its neighbourhood,
and I was .utterly unable- to learn, from them the true
origin or caufc o f i t j and in my-opinion - it: is ..no more than a re*
mainder of that fubjedtion ini which women formerly were .held in
the Society-Ifl.es, before,they came to their preffent improved-condition;
. The.ftate of marriage ought- likewife' to engage'ourrattention^
as-, we are here treating of women. ■ As - far. as- we-- could -ob'fer-ve^
1 * l.abat ofyferved, that a negro-{love did-not entwith-his wife ap.d children; but after he
was fatisncd, he'gave them leave to eat likewife ; and Vattntyn Found the women in Amboyna
fervihg- their hulbandS at table, and eating- aftervvard$in private., ■ The.G,u:ana-msh exclude
their women from their meals, and in the Caribbee Iflands women are not even permitted, tomcat
in prefence o f their lvulbamîf» Z. 7 * Foÿttge ch Amérique, «