this opinion has very lately been attackedJ lam ftill of
opinion, that Mr. Dalrymple’s . conjecture has not
been invalidated by the fhew o f arguments oppofed to
it. I t is about thirty leagues in circumference, and
both Peninfulas are high land, which, efpecially. in the
Eafternmoft is extremely fpiry, and has the Itrongeft
marks o f being the work o f a violent earthquake and
fubterraneous fire.
2. M i A T S A , was called Ofnabruck IJland by Captain Wallis,
• and Pic de la Boudeufe or Boudoir by Mr. de Bougainville.
I f the conjedture o f Taheitee being Sagittaria is right,
Mceatea mull be Dezena, feen by Quiros February the
9th, 1606. It is about four or five miles in circuit, is
high land, and the fummit of the hill has the. appearance
o f being excavated, as i f formerly there had been a.
volcano, whofe crater is now filled up.
3 . O - H e e v a - n o o e , an ifle to the Eaftward o f O-Taheitee, feems
to be the fame which Captain Cook called Chain IJland
in 1769 j being a chain o f low iflands connected by
reefs into an oval fhape, about five leagues in length.
4. O i r o t a h , is an ifland larger than Taheitee, inhabited.
5. O u ro po e , likewife inhabited, and larger than Taheitee.
6. O -H i t -
6 . O - H i t t e - t a m a r o - e i r e e , feems to be Ofnabruck I f and, a r t s
feen by Captain Carteret in the year 1767, is low land, SCIENCEs
and probably not inhabited.
7. T e .-n ew h am m Ra - t Ar e , a low ifland.
8. T o'o m e t o -r o a r o , feems to be the duller o f low iflands*1
feen likewife by Captain Carteret, and called by him the
Duke of Gloucefer’s Ifands.
9. M outou, is larger than Taheitee and the Southernmollifland,
which Tupaya had feen; though his father had told him
there were iflands to the Southward of it.
xo. M a n n u a is a high ifland, peopled by ferocious inhabitants,
with wild and furious looks, and eating men, but having
very little Ihipping: its fituation is to^the North Ball of
u . E I t o - ngoe.
12. O -H i t t e - r o a a high ifland, feen by Captain Cook in 1769.
.13.. T a b b u - a - m a n n o 0, a fmall high ifland to the Well o f
O-Taheitee, feen by Captain Wallis, and called Sir
Charles Saunders’s I f and. Mr. de Bougainville heard o f it,
and calls it Tafoua mafia. It is about fix miles long.
Th e Chief of this ifland in 1774, was called O o p a .
14. E i m e o , is high land, and was called Tork I f and by
Captain Wallis in 1767. Mr. de Bougainville named it
Aimeo : It belongs to Taheitee,
U u u 2 * 15. H u -