262 11 F, M A R K S o n t h i
tife frequent ablutions, encreafing by this Ample elegance the
fai-rnefs o f their complexions, though they live within the tropics,.
Th e New Zeelanders living in the temperate zone from 34° to 47”
-South latitude, are more tawny, which -may be in part afcribed
to their uncleanlinefs, abhorrence o f bathing, and fitting expofed
to fmoak and naftinefs in their dirty cottages.
Secondly, T h e Jize o f the natives^of Taheitee, and all the ifles
peopled by the fame race, certainly ddftinguilhes them from the
■ tribes in Mallicollo; however this difference is not fo general in
thefe nations! as to extend even to Tanna and New Caledonia,
where we found many very tall and athletic perfons. But" the
•chiefs in the Society Ifles, again diftinguilh themfelves from the
d-eft o f the inhabitants, by their tall ftature and corpulence.
According to the doftrines o f thofe who are fkilled. in philofophy,
growth and fize depend chiefly upon climate, food, and exercife.
T h e climate is either warm or-cold. Heat adds to the a&ion o f the
heart a ftimulus, and accelerates its puliation and fincein a warm
climate, the folids are more relaxed, than in a cold one, the im-
p u lieo f the blood in the arteries finds lefs refinance, and therefore
more powerfully expands the whole frame o f the body; becaufe,
every funftion of the parts and iecretion o f the liquids, is promoted
w ith greater vigour. This we find conformable to experience,
for in hot climates mankind grows more powerfully, and attains
I I U M A N S P E C I E Si- 263
earlier maturity and puberty.." On die other hand,, cold affuages c a u s e s
the ftimulus,, and conftrifts. the. fibres, which naturally throws the ° ^ t i e s .
whole fyftem into a torpor or languid- Hate. Th e heart, does not
aft powerfully enough, to carry on. the. funftions with that vigour
which is required, not only to accelerate growth, but likewife to
overcome the greater refiftance caufed by the rigid Irate, o f all the-
folid- parts. W e find in confequence o f thefe principles, the poor,
inhabitants o f Tierra del Euego,. a final! race o f people, though,
defeended from tribes, who,, on the continent o f South America,,
in a milder, climate,, and. more happy circumfiances, are. very tall:
and athletic..
Hood another great article, , both as to quantity and quality, exerts-,
its powerful influence upon fize and.growth... Th e great abundance,
and excellence of tropical fruits- and roots, together with a variety
and plenty o f fifh, and now. and then a fowl, a hog, or a dog,,
contribute to the luxuries, of the table o f Arees arid other people -of.
r-ank,. in the Society Ifles ; and . as they are ufed to indulge very '
much in thefe luxuries, we find them remarkably tall, flout, and-.
athletic. T h e Towtows have only the bare neceffariesf. and we.
were informed, that now and. then there are years o f fcarcity,,
when the poorer fort of people, are driven to great, diftrefs ; but.
the Arees feel nothing o f thefe ihconveniencies. Th e Towtows .
never, or at leaft very rarely partake, of. the feafts, where pork is.;