ARTS -2 7 ' T&ROWHk .
AND ?8 T e e b o o a i is from its fituation very probably Hood's IJland
s c i e n c e s ->
one of the Marquefas.
39. W h a t A R R E - o o R a . In Mr. Banks's chart I find the name
written TWhattbrre-ero, and in two other lifts.the.laft word
was fpelt oora for ero, . fo that I think it is plain from the
nature o f the language that Whatarre-obra is the true
writing of the name. T h e name Waitahoo given to the iile
o f Chriftina by the natives themfelves, confirms this ftill
' more, for we found that the inhabitants o f the Marquefas
never or at leaf!: very feldom pronounced the r ; this was
evident to me from a vocabulary o f about e igh ty ' words
not containing a fingle word with an r, and from the
circumftance that all the words in the Taheitee language
correfponded with the words o f the language o f Waitahoo,
with this difference only that the canine letter was either
omitted or foftened. In O-Taheitee the phrafe come hither
is expreffed by harre-mai, in Waitahoo by hanna-mai-, the
hand is called rebma, and in the Marquefas hebma-, two
is expreffed aroba at Taheitee, and bo-hooa at W^aitahoo;
three is atbroo, and ho-db-oo at the latter place; five is called
reema, but at Waitahoo heima; great is roa, and at the
Marquefas ba. Th e ifland o f Dominica was called Oheeva-ba
inftead o f Oheevarrba; and Waitahoo in all probability is
ufed in lieu o f Wqttarre-obra; for by dropping .the rs there
remain Wateae-ooa or Wttta-rooa, in which an h has been
inferted to compenfate the elifion of fo many rs, and pronounced
Watt-a-hooa pr, Waita-hoo. This is certainly the
ifland o f St. Chriftina, one of the Marquefas, difcoyered
by Mendana, 1595, and is high land.
40. T e -,M A n n o .
41. O - o t t o.
42. O - H e e v a -Roa , is high land, called by the natives
O-Heevd-ba, and is the fame which Mendana_ called
Dominica j feems to be populous^ fertile, and the largeft of
the Marquefas.
43. 0 - 1 I k e v A - v u ’i'T ? . . ;
44. M o p Eeha or MoTn-HEA, is. a .low- ifland, but large,
pot inhabited, abounding however with fifh, . coconuts,
turtle and pearls.
43. W n e N N u a - 0 0 R A is a lo-w ifland, has inhabitants, and has
the fame productions with the former.
46. O - P a p a t ’e a .
47. W o u R E E o is a l a r g e i f la n d , a n d in h a b i t e d .
48. U r h r u t u , inhabited.
X x x 49. Qua
r t s
. A N D