ligin ties,, and deliver them from that fhipi'dity; torpor,.and indolence
fies with which they are now oppreiled : for when once the mind is
e :
enlightened with hew ideas-, and new combinations, and- a field
-opened to Fancy and imagination in the recital, o f their actions, in
their fongs, dances, and various other reprefentations ; the pafiiöns,
the great fource ’of adtioh in human life; will kindle in their breafts
that Promethean fire, which will infufe ftrength and vigor into
all the tranfadlions o f the community, Thus ought we to admire
and adore that Providence, which, by the moil fimple means,
always effedts its intended purpofe, and out of paternal care and
tendernefs, leaves the moll degenerated race o f men, not altogether
deftitute o f faculties, powers, and means, by which they may
emerge from their forlorn condition : nay, the very paflions, which
by their abufe and lawlefs condition, but too often become thé
caùfes o f dangerous evils in human fociety, are employed by the
wife Governor o f the world, as fubordinate caufes,. to forward the
happinefs o f mankind, and to bring them gradually to a more mild,
virtuous Rate, and to happinefs o f every kind. But at the fame
time that my moft inward thoughts are proilrate in adoration be-
' fore the great Maker and Father o f the fouls o f all fleih ; my
heart is filled with the warmeil wilhes that it may pléafe the alwife
. Providence foon to raife this brave and generous race o f my fellow
creatures from their unnatural Rate, to a condition, where humanity
manity may charadterife each adtion ; that fellow-feeling, kind-
nefs, and univerfal charity may vidtorioufly fpread throughout all
thefe barbarous nations, and reRore that reverential awe due to
man, the nobleR work o f God on Earth.
- - - - Deus ilk fuit -
£>ui princeps nitre rationem invenit earn, qifee
Nunc appellatur Japientia: quippe per -artem
Fluffibus e tantis nit am, tantifque tenebris,
In tarn tranquillo, & tam clara luce locdvit.
E u cr e t iu s , L . Y»
C H À P.
T I E S . ,