IC E . the-principle o f analogy-cannot be applied- indifcriminately*in' both
hemifpheres, and that one thing may- be true in- the- Nor-therii frenii-
fphere, which is quite otherwife in the Southern, from reafons not
yet known or difcovered by us :-or -we muft think-that CrantZ'.and
others are-miftaken, who fuppofe-the ice-floating in -the ■ ocean
to be filt.
T h e next remark is, that fait- water 'does nat freeze-at ally or i f it
does it contains briny particles. Mr. de Bujfori *, the moil ingenious
aiidthe moft-elegant writer- o f ,Natural Hiftory, .tells us, “ that
“ the fea between Nova Zemla and Spitzbergen under the 79«
“ North latitude does not freeze, as it is there confiderably broad,
“ -and that it is not-to. be -apprehended, to find -■this -fea - frozen not
“ -•even-under the pole itfelf, for-indeed there is-no example o f hav-
“ ing ever found a fea wholly frozen over, and at a confiderable
“ diftance from the fliores j that the only inftance-of a fea- entirely
■“ -frozen is that o f the Black Sea, which is narrow-and riot-very
“ fait, and receiving- a-great many-rivers Coming from Northern
“ regions, and-bringing down ice; that this fea therefore fo ’me-
times freezes to fuch a degree, that-its-whole furface is congealed,
“ to a confiderable thicknefs; and, i f the Jiiftorian-s -are to be
•“ .credited, was frozen in the reign o f Emperor Conftantine Cop-
“ .ronymus
* Ibid -vol-.-I. -p/
« ronymus -.thirty ells thiek, not including twenty ells -of filow
“ which, was lying on theiee.. This faft^ continues..M. de Buffmx
“ feems to be exaggerated, but it is. true howeyerj, that -it. freezes.
“ almoil every-winter,; ;whilft the high ffeas; which- are 1000
“ leagues nearer,, towards’ the pole do. not freeze,:, which can have.
“ no other caufe than the difference, in fialtnefs; and the little quan-
“ ti.ty of; ice .carried; out by ’.rivers, if- compared to the enormous .
“ ' quantity ;.o-f ice .-which the rivers convey; into the Black Sea.”
Mr. de Bujfon is not miftaken- when he mentions that the Black.
Sea frequently freezes.- St r-abc> * informs us, that-the people near
the Bofporus -Cimmerius - pafs;, this fea in carts from, Panticapaeum
to - Phanagorea, . and that Neoptolemus, a General,o f Mithridatesr
Enpator, .wnn a battle with his cavalry on the ice, on the very fpot
where he gained a naval victory in the. fummer. M a r c e l l in u 's -
C ome-s 4 -relates,-that in theyXIV’ Indiffion, under the Confulfhip:
o f Vincenti-us -and Fravita, in the year 401 after, Chrift, the whole
furface ..of the Pontus was covered with ice, and that the, ice-in-
fpring was carried through the Propontis, during thirty days, like
mountains. Z o n a r a s J mentions the fea between Conftantinopla
* Strabo., Geogr, Lib...yii.-.p. m. 212.:
f Marcellinus -Gomes in Scaligeri edit. Eu|eb..p. .3.7,- ,
X .Zonaras in Conftantino Cpp.ronymoand Niccpho’imsJPatr. p. 43, 44.. as well as Tk.eo-
pbanes, p. 365,, 366. mention,. that, in the winter 76* aim,oft during five months the Black
Sea was covered from Zichia, (the country between the Kuban and Awchas) to Chazaria
(the Crimea) and even to Bulguria with ice thirty ells thick.