manners Me to Me; it is almoft beyond a doubt, that they are very nearly
COMPARED , one another; and that from thefe Caroline-iflanders, the
inhabitants o f the Eaftern South Sea iflands were.defcended at fome
diftant period. This confideration leads us to another, viz, that
thefe iilanders having no other than vague traditional reports in lieu
of hiftorical records, it is impoftible to know any thing o f their
origin or migrations; and that no diftant guefs or conjecture could
ever have been formed unlefs by paying a particular attention to
their peculiar cuftoms and manners, arid likewife to their language;
o f the firft we have given as good an account as our hiftorical
proofs would admit; the latter fome future navigators muft invefti-
gate more carefully. A ftronger proof o f the advantages o f civilization,
cannot be given, than refults from this total uncertainty, re-
fpedting the origin of thefe nations :\if we have been able to produce
any arguments that lay claim to probability, it is becaufe our minds
are improved by civilization, and our talents, natural and acquired,
have enabled us to form a judgment as nearly approaching to truth
as thefe fubjedts will allow. Our minds therefore fhould be im-
prefled with the moft unfeigned feelings and a£ls o f gratitude to
Providence for the bleffings o f a more exalted civilization and education,
which give us in every refpeCt fo great a fuperiority over thefe
nations, and aflign to us fo high a rank in the fcale o f rational beings;
ings; and how much ought not this to encourage us to aft up to
this greater knowledge, and to maintain by humanity and virtue
the exalted ftation we occupy.
Quum natuira hominis tmbecillior fit, quam cceterorum anima-
Hunt, qua vel ad perferendam vim temporum, vel ad incurfiones:
a fiuis corpwibus arceiidas, naturalibus munimentis previdentia
ctelefin c.rmavit; hemini atitem quia nihil ifiorum datum efi»
’ accepit pro ifiis omnibus miferationis aJJ'eclum, qui plane voedtur
h u m a n i t a s , qua nofmet invicem tueamur.
L a c t a n t i u s ^ lib. iii. c. 17 .
4 I S E C T ,