lent fpirit r) the reft are called Elus melajtrs (benevolent fpirits.)
Morogrog, an evil fpirit, expelled from heaven, brought fire firft
upon earth. Lugueiling, the fon o f Eliulep, married two wives,
one o f celeftial origin, who brought him two children, Carrer and
Meliliau; the other of terreftrial origin, born at Falalu, in the pro-
vince of Huogoleu, by whom he had a fon, called Odefat; this
young man, upon hearing that his father was a celeftial Ipint, attempted
to mount to heaven, but fell down and w e p t : hereupon
he kindled a great fire, and-went up in the fmoke to his celeftial
father, whom he embraced. In the ifle o f Falalu is a pond o f frefh
water, which the natives fear to approach, becaufe they fuppofe the
Gods bathe in it. T h e fun, the moon, and the ftars, have, according
to the opinion o f thefe people, rational fouls, and are inhabited
by numerous celeftial nations. Thefe iflanders have neither
temples, nor carved or any other images ; and they never think
it neceffary to make any offerings or facrifices, except a few o f them,
who feem to worthip their deceafed friends. A t the ifland o f Tap
or Panlog, the inhabitants worfhip a crocodile j obferve incantations
making knots of palm-leaves. And to the Eaft o f the five
clutters o f ifles, called Carolines, there are many more illands, ef-
pecially that of Falupep, the inhabitants o f which worthip the lhark.
{ Fiburon.)
H U M A N S P E C I E S' 6oy
Thefe illes are very numerous, and have inhabitants o f a brown
colour, like thofe o f the coaff o f Philippines -, but the inhabitants
o f Panleu or the Palaos, are like negroes, favage and barbarous ;
they go naked, and are canibals ; and are for that reafon, detefted
by the inhabitants o f the Caroline-itlands, who look upon them.
as dangerous to deal with, and the fiends of mankind.
T h e chiefs at the Caroline-itlands are much retpedted 1 they wear,
long beards, and fit on a high feat, like a table, and give audience ;
thofe who want to talk to a chief, bow very low, then fit down,
hear his commands, and go away after, another bow, or they feme-
times kifs his hands and feet ; or they take the foot of the chief
gently with the hand, and rub their face with it. They think it
likewife a mark o f retpedt to lull the. Tamoles afleep by
Thefe few remarks on the manners, cuffoms, opinions, and religion
o f the natives in the Caroline-itlands, i f compared with thofe
of the inhabitants of the South Sea ifles, of the firft race, prove that
they bear a ftrong refemblance ; and as this fimilarity o f almoft
every circumftance can hardly be accidental, efpecially i f we con-
fider the vicinity of both clutters o f ifles, and the correfpondence in
the ftature, ' colour, habit of body, and turn o f mind of the inhabitants,
and the'probable fuccelfive migration o f thefe tribes from-