fillible: eruptions of their paffions in the end ferve to foften their
fiercenefs and ferocity.. Canibalifin, one of. the moll inhumane
and atroeiousculloms, is not introduced into large focieties by want
and hunger, but by the moll unnatural and violent lpirit o f revenge,
and mull after, feme time be laid afide as a cullom which is
inconlillentwith itfelf.. In order to judge of the happinefs o f mankind,
it is neeeflary to define the various kinds o f happinefs^ they
are capable of, in-regard to their different faculties and Hate. T h e
moll preffing wants which.are to he latisfied.firft,.are food, habitation,
and raimenf ;. and an ealy. method o f procuring them, together
with thfe advantage o f being free from, bodily pain, is the firll
principle of phyfcal happinefs. T h e means o f improving the intel-
leCtualfaculties, and o f preferving the. rights and privileges o f a free
agency in,man,, without, interfering with the happinefs o f others,
form die principles of moral happinefs. Th e advan tages arifing from
the union o f men in fociety,, and a certain undillurbed enjoyment
o f phyfical.and moral happinefs, in conjunction with others, form
the principles o f civil or facial felicity. Each Hate requires certain
duties without the fulfilling of which, no happinefs can be obtained.
An d the various kinds o f happinefs have likewife
various degrees, in the number and variety o f enjoyments, in their
long and undillurbed duration, and in the influence they have upon
the happinefs o f others. Nature alone promotes in feme climates
thefe various kinds and degrees o f happinefs; in feme nature aflilted
by art, can produce thefe effe&s j and lallly, in others creative compared
phylical power and creative genius can only bring about fuch de-
firable ends. Thefe general principles convince us o f the various
kinds and degrees o f happinefs in the various tribes vifited by us in
the South-Seas. T h e great increafe o f population in an ifle of feme
fize, made it neeeflary to unite into focieties for mutual defence
and aflillance, and gave rife to the formation o f property, and exerted
cultivation. This required laws and regulations, and per-
fons who Ihould fuperintend their execution j anarchy reigns among
the barbarous tribes, and defpotifm takes place among thofe which
are more civilized and nearer related to Eallern defpotic countries.
Cultivation enables mankind bell to enjoy the highell degree of
happinefs, and it is therefore preferable to the rambling flrate o f
Ihepherd nations; or what is Hill worfe, the wild tribes that live
by filhing and hunting. Men in fociety advance towards perfection
by a llrift regard to truth or candour, by humanity, and by perfecting
their moral ideas and moral fenfe, of which various examples
are produced among the inhabitants o f the South Sea. Th e
charadteriftic actions o f people, form their manners, which accordingly
are defcribed in the nations we faw, together with the refinements
in their manners, and even their luxury, with feme account
o f the probable origin and progrefs of their Arreeoys. The fitua-
tion of the fair fex in the various tribes we faw, is reprefented; they
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