6z S R E M A R K S o n t h r
E R S .
and every body yerfed in naval affairs will find that- no fet o f men-;
are brought with greater reluctance into an innovation than failors.
But the .example of the officers, together with a gentle treatment
will no doubt in a little time get the better o f this difficulty, and'
introduce an. aliment on board the Englilh navy, which will,
greatly contribute to the more healthy -dale o f the drips company,
and thus preserve the lives o f many an, ufeful member to
T h e fewerkroui, lately become o f more, univerfal ufe, is o f fuch
an excellence as an antifeptic as needs no further comment. Its
preparation is well underftood- in Germany, Denmark, Sweden;,
and Ruffia; and has lately been. fo well prepared for the King’s
lhips in England, that it would be needlefs to dwell on this fub-
j e f t ; however, as there may be perfons defirotis o f ufihg this falu-
tary. food, and at-the fame time ignorant o f the method o f preparing
it, I will here annex the following a c c o u n t fo lid heads o f cabbages
are taken and cut afunder, and then put into a kind; o f box,
running in-groves. over- a. machine,' fimilZr to thofe o f a . lefs fize
uled for cutting cucumbers into dices for falad, which o f courfe
mull be fuppofed to be greater and proportioned to the bulinels,
which is to be performed by the machine. Th e iron planes for
cutting the cabbages into dices, are made from i z to 18 inches in
length. While the box is drawn, backwards and forwards over
I I U M A N S • P E C. I È S. 6zp
this machine; the heads o f the cabbages mull be gently pres-er -
preffed during the operation, .and new ones gradually laid in ; by OFMARI_
vyhich means the cabbages are cut into thin dices, and fall into NE s"
a.large tub, whereon, the machine is laid. Thefe dices of cabbages
are., by fome perfons, mixed up with fait and caraway-feeds f Ca+
rum Carvi, Linn.), or by others with fait and juniper-berries; and
then beaten into a calk, or vat, (whereof the head has" been taken
out) till it yields fome juice. Th e inftrument ferving for that
purpole, is either a large club o f about five or fix inches in diameter,
or a large and drong, butter-daff. Caraway feeds are to be
preferred to juniper berries;. fince thé fird are very nourilhing,
and.ferve, when reduced into dower, to whole Tartar nations for
food, when.boiled with mares milk ; .and becaufe they yield by'fermentation,
a great quantity.of fixed air ; and are known to increale -
the milk of- wet nurfes ; qualities, which alone would be fufficient
to recommend the feeds preferably to juniper berries. I f the calk
wherein the fowerkrout is to be prepared, has been a wine, of
brandy, or vinegar calk, the fermentation-: fucceeds upon the whole
better, and imparts to the fowerkrout a more vinous tade. Some
rub the infide o f the calk with fower-leaven, in- order- to accelerate
the fermentation, which latter circumdance may be.
omitted,.if there is time enough for letting the cabbage go through
a regular and gradual fermentation. The damping a new quantity.
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