4 H R E M A R K S o n t h e .
manners told us the child would be hided -the moment it was brought forth.
Regulation and cuftom have . efta'bliflied this inhuman practice.;
and nations which are not yet acquainted with tliofe refined and
fublime principles o f virtue, which are cilabl idled by the intro-
duftion of chrifiianity into Europe, have-frequently facrificed the
• obfervation of a moral or focial virtue to the greater fecurity of the
Rate, and even to a device for preventing imaginary evils j nay,,
which is worfe, to a method o f promoting either a martial fpirit,
or for teaching the RratageMs o f war. Thus -for indance, the
Spartans now and then fent their youths out upon the budnefs of
killing their Helotes; or ordered them to Real. However, we
found thefe inhuman practices to be the effeCts of o p u l e n c e ,
l u x u r y and s e n s u a l i t y in a nation, which upon the whole,
is not deflitute o f humanity, but rather inclined to pradice
kindnefs and goodnature, in a manner which would do honour
to a more enlightened and civilized race o f men.
T h e great profufion, and variety o f choice fruit, delicious filh,
and fine pork and dogs flefli, has likewife occafioned in the idle
men belonging to the race of arees, a propenfity to indulge
fhemfelves in the pleafures o f the table beyond what is ufual. T o
excite their gluttony and voracioufnefs, they have invented the
art of dreffing thefe Ample gifts o f providence in a variety of diflies,
nay, fome fauces have been found out for flimulating appetite,
H U M A N S P E C I E S. 415.
and making fome o f the infipid viduals more palatable, and the m a n n e r s
quantities of the'various kinds o f fruit and meat which thefe
drones can habitually fwallow are hardly credible. "Nor have they
omitted to devife a method for procuring intoxication, by the juice
and infufion o f a kind o f pepper-root. This fame opulence has
likewife been productive o f difiinCtions in dfefs and ornaments.
.Their better people wear a.variety o f cloth diflinCt in colour and
quality, and ufe it perhaps during a few days only, when they
immediately change it. Th e fine white, and very foft cloth is
the drefs of their chiefs, and their women have a kind o f wrapper
or petticoat of a thin dark brown, cloth, which is perfumed with
their odoriferous coco-nut-oil. Red and yellow cloth of a very
foft texture, is likewife part o f the drefs o f the people o f quality.
Befides the diflindtion in drefs, the chiefs are always ferved and
attended by fome o f the loweR clafs of people, who drefs. and
prepare their victuals, fetch water, and. even cram them like
animals that are to be fattened, and. do all kind o f fervicè for them;
while they indulge themfelves in floth and idlenefs, bathe twice
a day, repofe on a matt, with a wooden fmall chair under the
head infiead o f a pillow; and do no kind o f work unlefs they walk,
to fee a friend or relation, nor are they unlike our grandees, who, '
from mere opulence, plunge into luxury and fenfuality, and' pur-
fue the gratification o f their brutilh appetites, with the greatefi