wards, while another loon after came down from the clouds, and
joined the former. A little while after, we faw three more o f thefe
columns forming, the neareft o f which was at the diftance o f about
three miles j at its bafe, where it was confiderably the largeft, (its
diameter appearing at that diftance to be o f 70 or 80 fathom in extent)
the water o f the fea was violently agitated, rofe in vapours
and fteam, and, being illuminated by the fun, looked bright and
yellowilh, elpecially againft the bfeck clouds behind • but, before
the fun Ihone out, it looked white. As thefe columns .came nearer
towards us down the ftreights, we'had an opportunity o f examining
them more particularly. Their diameter above, towards the clouds,
was larger than that in their middle, which latter feemed not to
exceed two or three feet. Th e water was whirled upwards in a
fpiral: fometimes it feemed that there waS a hollow fpace within
the column, and that the water formed only a cylinder; for the
body o f the column had, towards its axis, a hue different from the
reft, and much the appearance o f a hollow glafs tube. As thefe
columns moved forwards on the furface o f the fea, the clouds did
not follow them equally fail j arid this circumftance gave them an
oblique pofition, and fometimes a curyed fhape. Their motions
feemed not to be o f equal velocity, nor apparently in the fame di-
redtion ; one feemed therefore to pafs the others, and they were
viewed acrofs one another. In proportion-as they came nearer to
us, the fea appeared more and more agitated, by fhort, broken
waves. ' W e had then fome wind, but by no means fettled,, for it
blew in one quarter o f an hour, almoft.from all points o f the com-
■ pafs. T h e firft o f thefe four columns was the Southernmoft, and
lafted the longeft | (he Northernmoft of them was the neareft to us,
and moved apparently Southward,, and likewife towards u s ; and, as
the clouds, with which the upper parts o f the columns were connected,
did not. follow with the fame velocity, with which the
lower parts moved on the furface o f the water, they difappeared
foon after j becaufe the columns being drawn out,, as it were, to
too great a length, were neceffarily broken.
Whilft we .were ftill obferving thefe four water-fpouts, we remarked,
not above half a mile from the fhipi on its ftarboard quarter,
a fpot on the fea o f about 50 or 60 fathoms'in diameter, more ■
agitated than the reft. Th e water moved quick towards the center,,
in fhort and broken waves, and there being refblved in fteam, rofe
up in fpirals towards the clouds ; but we could not fo well diftin-
guifh the pillar, while it rofe in this water-fpout, as in the others,
becaufe. the fteam raifed from the fea, obftrudted the fight.. T h e
noife it caufed, was like that o f a cafeade rolling down a deep glen.
As'this ip out moved along towards the fhip, it came abreaft o f i t ,
and was, when neareft, within two cables length. A few hail-
ftones fell during this time: on deck. Soon after, another water-
1 ' : , ' fpOUt