R E M A R K S o n the
obferved bracelets o f coco-nut-ihe>ll and finall plaited fhell-work,
and we faw tire hair o f the natives at Namocka and the Friendly-
ifles, powdered whites blue or oranges ,the .white, is no doubt
made of fliell-lime, the orange extrafted from turmeric, which
affords a very ft-rong and deep colour, but the blue we could never
obtain; nor learn how it was manufadtured. The Papooas wore
rings in the ears, in both noftrils, and the perforated griftle between
the noftrils. They ufed bracelets on their arms above the elbow and
wrift, and their hair was powdered with fliell-lime.* Capt. Carteret
obferved that the inhabitants of: the ifles called by him New Ireland
and the Admiralty iflands, powdered both their hair and their beards. -(-
And-others have obferved the natives o f Garret Dennis Iile to dye
their hair o f divers colours, viz. red, white, and yellow. 1 T h e
Tripolitan ladies in Barbary ffcrew the hair o f their children with
vermillion. § T h e antient Gauls employed the affiftance, o f art
to heighten the red colour of their hair, and the chiefs ftrewed them
with the duff o f gold, |[ which luxury was likewife adopted by the
i Jevyiftv
"* Jaques le Maire dam la Collection des Voyages qui ont fervi pour VEtàbliJJimcnt de ht
Compagnie des Indes, vol. iv. p. 648..
f Hawkefworth, vol. i. p. 599, and 604..
î Dampier’s Voyage, vol. iii. p. 202.
§ Etat des Royaumes de Barbarie.
H Diod, Sic. lib. v. p; 3.05. edit, WecheU
H U M . A N; S P E C I E S. 591
jewiili ladies; * and Saint Jerome in one ;o f his Epiftles pioufly manners
exhorts a Roman lady not to indulge, her daughter in thefe
faihipnabl? vanities, o f the times ■, ne irrufet crmes, et Jibi anticipet
ignes■ gehemue.
Some nations daub their faces with various colours, , either to
appear more terrible to their foes, or to compliment their friends
with a more pleafing afpedh Th e moft indolent and miicrable
wretches bn Tierra del Fuego, ufe ruddle or ochre, and fome train-
oil, to improve their unmeaning phyfiognomy with a brighter
glare o f dulnefs and ftupidity. The 'New-Z e e lan d ladies never
failed to put On the fame kind o f rouge mixed with greafe, before
they came on board to offer their uncouth favours to our failbrs. Mr,
•Hodges being employed to draw the face o f one o f thefe coquetting
ladies, and feeing how highly they valued their' own bad red colour,
immediately, mixed fome vermillion with linfeed oil and daubed
her whole face. She was in raptures at this refinement, and all
her people of-both fexes admired her .charms, which had been
thus heightened, but her rouge betrayed all the perfons who had
faorificed at the ihrine o f the Paphian goddefs with this fair
prieftefs. Nor is the ufe o f the red confined to the ladies only,
becaufe the males were i f poffible ftill more fond of it. But the
* JoiepMis. .