R E M 4S6 A R K S -o n j t u -e
.a r t s . and dwindle away.. A ll thefe fymptotns, as ;we were told, ware
the confequcnces of,the Too immoderate ufe o f the infufion o f the
jSfe-.LRN.CES *s
pepper-root. But the leaks o f the niorhous exfoliation, are not fo
harih to the touch as thofe caufed by fea-water, and there is genera
lly a kind of tumour or dwelling under it. In a higher degree' of
the dileafe I obferved fame ulcers, in .the white blotches, which
appeared as i f they were extending under the fkLa, honey-combed,
and vsere-.running with .red orifices furrounded by a red fungous
flefh, femetimes between the white Jpots. adivid or reddifh hue of
the past affedted- might be obferved.
In the fiecond kind or fpecies o f .this . terrible tiifordet, I faw
fieveral roundifli or oblong, purple elevations.oncthe lkki,,.of tlie,.ffize
o f a crown piece. . Some o f them looked as i f a pant had been
rotten,, and fallen out and had turned into an ulcer filled with, red
fungofities. A t B-^ioowe, or Middleburgh, in the Friendly-ifles,
a woman was aifiifted .with.this kind, whole: face .fwelfed, to an
extreme degree, was one .red,, livid, and running; fote;, th e nofe
was entirely rotten and had dropped off, the. cheeks .were ctf ated
, fpungy fubftance. T h e eyes:funh.deepumthe head,, red and: fore.;
in a word, file was a moft pitiable and miferable object.
I few ftill another kind .of the .feme difeafe, in the feme ale of
E-AooDue. T h e 'b a ck and left fhoulder o f a.man...as.far as his
upper arm was covered with a kind o f ulcer, which was a quarter
IT U M A N S P E C r E S. • 487
o f an inch higher than the reft o f the body.. T h e whole was o f a r t s
. . . AND
a deep livid red, and the elevated margins-towards the. extremities SCIEn c e&
were of-a nally yellow colour: it: was- not a running: fore, though
it had much the appearance o f i t ; . . Th e natives have no peculiar ■
name for this or any other diforders that caufe, ulcws> pimples,. ,
or eruptions, all.arepromifcuoufly calledr.-poror fores. ■ I obferved:
at ¥aha„ ,0 -Raiedea,., ¥onga-¥ai§Ui: and a t Nem^Cakdonia- men
with one or. bath legs, enlarged, to a monflrous fize ; the limb , was
entirely livid and felthard,'. and-.the tumour was-ronfined. chiefly-
to the .interval between the knee and inflep, though it. extended. -
femewhat up-the thigh , and. even to. the toes;, however : the leg
was more, fwelled in proportion, than ..any other part. Notwith-
ftanding this, I obferved the men.could walk fioutly, .and did n o f -
hefitate to wade through the fea-water, almoft up. to. their waift,.,
and felt no other inconvenience as far as we could- obferve, than that
they had a difficulty o f breathing, . - This feems to be a kind o &
elephantiafis, fiich as fome people have, in the Eaft Indies, on the. -
eoaft o f Malabar..* A t New-Caledonia, I. few two. men., each-1
having an arm enlarged in the feme manner...
*'■ On fait qu'il y a la maladie» appellee pedes Jlru mofi par mile-s Indie ns qu i fe d ifeii t'CTi re (ie n 3.-. $
dft.St. Thomas. MiJcelU Medic. Pbyjic. Dwur. -in*,tom,.iiii-.-Qtyfnvat. 13* :S^nchex, .«f its-■
fur la. maladie Venentnnc,