W e have therefore; I apprehend, probable proofs that thefe
iflanders came originally from the Indian Afiatic ifles, on which
we have pointed out two races o f inhabitants, fuch as we found
them in the South Sea ifles : it fhould feem therefore, that thefe
two diftindt races are defcended from the two diitindt Indian tribes.
I f we had good vocabularies o f the various languages fpoken in
thefe ifles, we ihould then be enabled to trace their original back
to a particular tribe. But as we labour under a deficiency in, this
refpedt, I have endeavoured in the annexed table to give a general
view o f many languages, which o f courfe, mull confirm my former
aflertions. I flatter myfelf with having done as much as could be
.expedited in my fituation, and therefore leave the reft to better in-
itrufted, and more enlightened ages.
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