518 R E M A R K S on t h e
25. O u r a , and
4 6 . T eoheow or T e o k 'e a , two low illands, at a few miles
Alliance from one another, were feen by Admiral Byron, in
1765 , and called George’s Iflands; we landed, in 1774, on
the latter illand, and learnt the true name o f this illand from
the natives, who called it Feoukea or Feokea. On this
illand Mr. Byron found the carved head o f a rudder, probably
belonging to a Dutch long-boat, a piece of hammered
iron, a piece o f brafs, and fome fmall iron tools. He feems
to indicate, “ that in cafe the fhip to which the long-boat
“ belonged, failed from this place in fafety, i t would not
“ be ealy to account for her leaving the rudder o f her long-
“ boat behind; and i f Ihe was cut off by the natives, there
“ mull be much more confiderable remains o f her in the
“ illand, efpecially o f her iron work, upon which all Indian
“ nations, who have no metal, fet the highefl value.” Thefe
arguments feem to be very juft, for the fhip was loft on
{22) O-anna, the illand before mentioned, and thefe trifles
o f iron and brals, were obtained by the inhabitants Of
5T?olea, either by trading with thofe at O-dnna, or as pre-
fents to the chiefs : for this is very cuftomary in all thefe
illands; thus for inllance Opunee chief o f Borabora,
5 . obtained
H U M A N S P E C I E S ,
obtained one o f Mr. de Bougainville’s loll anchors, as a
prefent from Footaha, the chief o f Taheitee..
27. O - R a i - r ö a feems to be the illand. o f Cdrlshof dlfcovered
in 1722 by Roggewein..
28. O - T X h correfponds in fome meafure with the fituation of
'Adventure’s. Illand feenby us. in 17 73 -
29. O - P a t a i or O o - p a t i, anfwers to. the fituation o f the
group of illands called by Captain. Cook Pallifer’s I Ißands,
in 1774.
30. O - W b a k a v a is probably the Ifle of Furneaux, called.
thus by us in 1773..
31. O - W h a o , mull in all probability be. the Ißand -of Birds,
difcovered by Captain Cook in 1769.
32. O - R i m a - r o a coincides nearly with the. fituation o f the
Ißes of Difappointment,, feen by Admiral Byron in 1765.
33. O - H e e v a - t o u t o u - a i , to this illand Fupaya. added the
following remark, “ that the. inhabitants are men-eaters,
“ that their Ihips are large, and that the fhip from Britain
“ (the Endeavour) was but little in comparifon.”
34. H a s e a k I a is a fmall illand-
33. N e e o -h e e v a is likewife fmall.
3.6. W h a t t e r r e - t o a , feems to be la Magdalena difcovered
by Mendana, 15.95.
3 7 . . T E R O -
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