A IN S .
f o r m a t
i o n OF
R E M A R K S on t he
globe is fubjeft. As the power o f gravity near the equinodtral Fine
is known to be lefs than towards the poles, the atmofphere naturally
muft be lefs attracted between the tropicks than beyond them-;
and confequently being beftdes more heated and therefore more
rarefied, it muft extend to à greater height between the tropicks;
and probably this may contribute, with the before mentioned
caufes, towards removing there the line o f eternal fnow to a greater
diftance from the common level o f the earth.
T h e probable caufes, of the Southern hemifphere being colder
in correfponding degrees of latitude, than the Northern hemifphere,
fhall be explained in the fedtion, wherein we fpeak of the formation
o f ice.
S E C T I O N V.
F O R M A T I O N of S O I L .
f I 'VH E T rop ical I sles have all the appearance o f a long exift-
ence and fertility. But the Southernmoft parts of N sw -
Z e e l an d , T ier r a del F uego, St a t e n - L an d , Southern-
G eorg ia and Sandwich- L and are foil unimproved, and in that
rude Rate in which they fprung up from the firft chaos; with this
diftinftion, that the farther you proceed towards the line and the
climates capable o f being affifted by the benevolent influence of
the fun, the greater advances you difoover towards improvement and
A ll the various particles of mineral bodies whatfo'ever are dead,
and only the organic bodies of vegetables-and animals are. capable of
life. Wherever we meet the firft only, there nature has all the
appearance of barrennefs, the horrors o f defolation and filence of
death. But the leaft addition of vegetation- enlivens' the fcene, and
even the flow motions o f unwieldy and torpid feals- and grave pin-
gums on the ihores, infufe life and chearfulned into the beholder;
But when the furface o f a land is clad with plaids 'and diverfified
with bird's and animals, then fhft we havdan tided o f the vivifying
powers o f nature and its great Lord.. This.previous obfervation
therefore, will enable us to- form a juft idea of each, of the; above
unimproved, rude lands. Th e barren bleak rocks, of Sandwich-
L and feem not to be covered b y the leaft atom: of-mould, nor is
there any veftige of vegetation.to be-feen; immenfe loads of eternal
fnow, bury thefe barren rocks, :as if doomed to be under the curfeof
nature, and continualfogs: involve it in. perpetual darknefs.
SouTHERN-G.EORGLA.'has on its North: Weft: point a: little iflej
which is covered with: greens, and in. Pofleflion Bay w.e faw two
Pli„ys words, Hill. Nht. 1. 4- feem therefore to be belt apptieablfe to this mHerable.
land: pars'mundi damnata a return natura & sterna rfterfa calgmt>.
f o r m a t
i o n OF