t o t R E M A R K S o n t h e
r r e s e r - in oi'der that they might make proper trials of i t : they found after
v a t ion rome experiments, that it had nearly the fame effeft as the rob. of
NB-&S- lemons, and perhaps had moreover the good quality o f • keeping
the belly open, and preventing that conftipation which is fo gene-
ral in fea-faririg men; but it did not cure any fcorbutic, fymptoms,
nor even prevent the increafe o f the evil. Th e inlpiflation o f the
juice o f lemons and o f carrots by fire, . has perhaps deprived thefe
two antifcorbutic fubftances o f thofe properties, which might be
expected from them, i f lefs expofed to the fire; I am therefore of
opinion that the expreffed. juice of lemons by itfelf is a more powerful
antifeptic, than either the rob or the marmalade of carrots ; but
as it has been very juftly apprehended, that the expreffed juice of
lemons will not keep in a good condition for a long fpace o f t im e ;
I only beg leave to mention, that the Captain with me obtained
about thirty gallons o f lemon-juice at the Cape o f Good Hope,
to which quantity we added about a fifth or a fixth part o f brandy
or rum which preferved the lemon-juice during the fpace of
thirty-two months in fo good a condition, that it really appeared
fo us to be as good, as i f it had been frelh expreffed. This acid
mixed up with fugar and given to fcorbutic patients, will undoubtedly
with the other remedies greatly promote their recovery.
Thefe few remarks and hints will I hope difclofe fuch a method
« f preventing the deletorious effedts o f the feurvy on board the
. , ' Royal
Royal f fa v y , by effectually fwCetening 6 f the food and water,
and meliorating the öoxioüs effluvia o f the confined air between
ddcks j efpCeially i f they- be added to the' various methods propofM
and tried by Capt, Cook, in regard' to the clearilinefs o f the perfons,
the airing o f the bedding,' changing o f clothes, the airing of the*
fliip By fire’ arid fumigation, and the regulation of keeping the:
crew at three wntches, inftead o f patting them as is commonly-
termed, at watch and1 watch.
By the help o f the regulations juft now exhibited, and fume o f
the before mentioned prophylactics, ©Ur whole fliip?s crew enjoyed:
in general ä very good ftafeo f health .- and though we- often palled:
in a few weeks from extreme cold, (where we were Surrounded by
hundreds of ice-iflands, and had Snow and fleet pouring down on
our decks;)1 to the moltintenfe degree of heat, i. e. from 27° to-
80"' or po° o f Fahrenheits Thermometer) we were not deprived
o f the ineflimable bleffing o f health.
Th e difeafes which prevailed in the ihip, when we were in the .
cold antarctic regions, where we often had hard blowing weather
with friow', fleet, and Cold penetrating rain and fogs that were
continued for feveral days, confuted chiefly in flight colds, rheu-
m'atifms, fore throat's, arid’ fwellings o f the g la n d sW h ich latter,
circu'mffartce Was,.' according to my opinion, caufed by the ice-
water ; for when we filled1 thirty or forty cafes with fmall .pieces
OF l i lA R I -