• M E N -
S - I M A R R S o n t h e
o f a darker brown. A Angle man in -O -T ah a had perfeftly red hair,
-a fairer complexion than the reft, and was fprinkled all over with
freckles. T h e features o f the face'are generally regular, foft,. and
beautiful; the nofe fomething broad below; the chin is overfpread
and darkened by a fine beard. Th e women have an open, cheaiffnl
countenance, a full, bright, and iparkling e y e ; the face more
round than'oval; the. features arranged with nncommonfymmetry,
and heightened and improved by a'fmile, which beggars all de-
fcription. The reft .of the body, above the waift, is well proportioned,
included in the moil beautiful, foft outline, and fometimes.
extremely feminine. Many o f the Areas' and Manahounes are o f an
athletic habit, but always blended with a degree ó f effeminacy.
Th e feet are rather large, and what might be thought out o f proportion.
T h e common people are likewife in. general well-built
ai>d proportioned, but more active, and with limbs and joints' that
are well knit. T h e women are in general finely, nay delicately
ftiaped. T h e arms, hands, and fingers o f fome are fo exquifitely
delicate and beautiful, that they would do honour tb a Venus of
Medicis. Unfortunately the habit o f walking barefooted, has de-
ftroyed that beautiful figure in their legs, which are commonly
large and rather clumfy. O f the men, the Arees are in general o f a
tall ftature. I faw feveral who exceeded fix feet three inches, and
ioae man was fix feet four inches , nor are the common people always
H U M A N S P E C I E S ,
ways confined to a fhort fize. Th e women are rather o f low ftature,
and but few are o f a fize approaching that o f men, though I
faw a girl fix feet high, and others very tall. T h e natives o f theie
ifles arc generally o f a lively, brilk temper, great lovers 'of mirth
and laughter, and o f an open, eafy, benevolent character. Their
natural levity hinders them from paying a long attention to any one
thing. You might as. well undertake to fix mercury, as to keep their
mind fteady on the: fame, fubjedt. Th e relaxation o f their folids,
under .a powerful fun, caufes a great indolence, and an unconquerable
aveifion to. any laborious undertaking.. Thofe that are in power
and. affluence,, generally indulge themfelves in eating-, and diftend
the frame of their body to its utmoft ftretch. They are abfotutely
inaftive, refufe to take even.their viftuals,. and permit themfelves: to
be crammed.. T h e great plenty o f good and nourifliing food, together
with, the fine climate, the beauty and unreferved. behaviour
of their females, invite them powerfully to the enjoyments and
pleafures o f love. Th e y begin very early to abandon themfelves to
the moft libidinous fcenes.. Their fongs, their dances, and'dramatic
performances,, breathe a ipirit of luxury. They are, for the
reft, hofpitablel: the lower fort like to pilfer from foreigners,, being
too powerfully tempted by the fight, o f new. and curious things,
which are very valuable to them. In-, their. wars,. they fight with
great bravery and valour. In fhort, their, character is as amiable as
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