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R E M A R K S o n t h e
w in d s , ral iflesj and this very South Eaft wind brought, us. to.Eaoowhe and)
T h e fame trade wind with very little changes, earned us aften
leaving Tonga-tabu, out o f the tropics and even to about 32° South»
latitude,' In the year 1774, when-we returned from, the South tbs
the ifles, we met the South Eaft trade-wind in about 29' South, latitude
on the 6th o f March; it continued conftant while we failed to
Eafter-Mand and afterweleft it.:, On.March 21ft,, at three o’clock
P. M .:, in about 22° 4.5' South latitude;, the wind took us all. on a
fudden a-head-, and we had foon- after.a ftnart fliower o f rain, but it
was no fooner over than the trade wind.returned, and blew; frefli-,,
and continued to; except in a few inftanees more, when we had fome
fliowers o f rain. .About, the 'Marquefas we had rain and:, feveral
gufts of. wind,'
After we left the Marquefas, we ffiood S.- S. W . then S'. W .a n d
at laft W t S; and had thefame S. E , trade fettingrus'forward; now
and then changing our courfe, oh account o f .five low ifles we.fell.in
with, till at laft:we cameia fecond.time. to, O.-Taheitee.. ,
In our fccond run. from the Society to the Friendly, Ifles, we, had
the fame South-Eaft trade wind, and now and then a foul Weft
wind, when we came:, near, land, or while a hard, fhower o f rain, was
coming on,.and fometimes we Were becalmed. Having» been a few
days at A-Namocka, and pafledbetween Oghao and Tofooa, wefoundi
a S.
A T M O S P H E R E .
a S'. E. wind, which hindered us from going to. Tonga-tabu as we
originally intended;. this breeze'contiriued, with.a few changes, till we
fell in: with the New Hebrides,, where we had frequent fqualls and
rain, and fometimes c a lm sW e had again Eafterly-winds in going to
New Caledonia, and when near irwere often.becalmed,, with now
and then a fquall and a hard fhower o f rain. After we left New
Caledonia we had the. wind: South;, but it.veered.gradually to W .
S , W . and W . by S. and S', on to the Wefterly quarter, where it
remained, and brought.us. to Queen Charlotte’sjSound for the third
In the year 1,775, when we left the Cape of Good Hope; we
had .a frefli South-Eaft breeze, which now. and then became fome-
what more Eafterly, and.-at laft.we.were becalmed from’May 10th
to the night o f the'13th, when! the- true South-Eaft, trade fet in,
and carried us: to the iflands 'of St. Helena, Afcenfion, Fernando
de Noronha,. and to. the 4th degree North, latitude, where.we were
becalmed. From-the time we lefrSt. Helena, we had now and
then fqualls and fliowers of rain, which Were more common about
the Line. Th e calm lafted from June 15th to -the 19th, and was
accompanied w ith hard fliowers o f rain, and fet in with- thunden
and lightning. After this, we met: again a breeze at North, which
during the. night veered.to N . N . E . and-N. E . ; but, as we: adL
vanced. farther, to the North, the wind became more fettkdi