222 R E M A R K S O N T H E
one fourth o f the population o f T-Obreonoo, i.e. 20, 250, which,
added to the inhabitants o f T-e-Arraboo - - 40,500, and of
thofc of T-Obreonoo , - - ,8i,ooS>, makes,
the number, of, inhabitants o f all O-Taheitee,
and o f Imeo, amount to
- A l l thefe are fubjedt to Q -T o o , king o f T-Obreonoo; for though
Te-Arraboo has a king o f its own, yet that king is a vaifal to
O -T o o . W e conclude therefore, that allowing 150,000 perfons
for the population o f O-Taheitee and Imeo, the computation mull:
be conlidered as very moderate:
T h e ifles o f Huahine, O-Raietea, O-Taha, Bola-bola, Mourua,
Tabu-a-Manoo, and Maatea, are certainly very populous j,.. for we
faw three o f them," and found them all well-cultivated, and equally
well-peopled; and, as the king o f Bola-bola has; fubdued O-Raietea,
and O-Taha , it is highly probable, that his power, and con-
fequently the population of.Bora-bora and Mourua,: mu.ft be nearly
upon a par with that o f the two conquered Elands.. .-If we allow
200,000 inhabitants for all thefe feven ifles, the account will by
no means be exaggerated..
.T h e live Marquefas are likewife very populous, for .the natives
cultivate and inhabit all the Hopes; of- their hills. - Between, them,
and the Society-Ifles, are a vail number o f low ifle$‘ full o f inhabitants,
H U M A N S P E C I E S . 223
bitants. T o the -Baft and South-Eaft o f O-Tahaitee are ftill more.
W e faw about five in the year 1773 ; and as many, i f not more in
1774. In the Endeavour feveral more Were difcovered ; and Capts.
Wallis and Carteret found many alfo. W e cannot think the
allowance too' great, when we fuppofe all thefe Blands, and the
Marquefas to contain 100,000 inhabitants.
Farther to the Weft is a duller of ifles, which’we call the Friendly
Ifles. Tonga-Tabu the largeft of them, is in every part highly
cultivated; the barren fandy outlkirts towards the fea, and the
road leading through the ifle alone excepted, all the reft feems to
be private property, is fenced in, .and inhabited by a numerous,
induftrious and friendly people. E-Aoowe is lefs in fize, nor. is it
wholly cultivated, any more than A-Namocka : neverthelefs there
are great numbers of inhabitants in both. About A-Namocka is
a colieSiofi-of Email ifles, all full o f people: and i f we confult
Taefman, we find the fame archipelago: continued under the name
of Prince William’s Ifles. I fuppofe the inhabitants o f all thefe
ifles amount to.about 200,000-
; Still more to the Weft is-that duller o f large Elands, to which
we gave the name of the New Hebrides. Thefe, though far from
being fo p o p u lo u s as the Society and Friendly Ifles, yet being
infinitely larger, contain a confiderable number- o f inhabitants.
W e found a great croud of people on one of them, named Mallicoilo,
I O N .