m a n n e r s '.The abfence o f theCaptain, and-the great heaps o f iron, fuggefteE
-to Tourai the idea o f profiting- fey this opportunity, and prompted
her to purloin fome .of. the fine iron goods.; flie deified -her brother
to divert my attention.; he called me to the -window and wanted
to £hew me fomething in -the earipe-s. furrounding our -Ihip;' I
iufpefted their-defign, and we-at where -he called me, but kept an
eye on O-Tools. fifte-r, who immediately feized two large ten inch
fpikes and concealed them carefully .under her 'garment. .1 ac-
• quainted Captain Cook at -hk-return' with .the tranfaftion, but we
-agreed to diffemble, -and not to -alarm their fears, that the brifknefs
o f the trade might -ncit be- interrupted. However, I made the
following bhfer.vations, -that- the light -of fuch treafures o f iron,
-rnuft have been very great .temptations • feecaufe Tourai and O -T o o
might have had-two or-more fpikes,- upon - barely afking for them,
and that therefore the idea o f acquiring them .by Health, fhould
feem to be a fudden irrefi-ftib'le .impulfe, capable of overcoming the
turpitude o f the aft-ion, the danger and fhame o f being expofed
and regarded as thieves, and -the king becoming himfelf acceffary
:to the meaheft trail laftion; however,' the cohaplaifance’. of the
kiflg-for his -fifter) was equally evident, and in fome tneafure
makes his condefcehfion in -my opinion, lefs culpable; nor would
I wifh by -this obfervation to brand Tourai-or O -T o o , as people
iof abandoned morals, and capable of committing any immoral
2 aftion;
aftion«; for I am perfuaded from other reafons,. that O -T o o , was m a n n e r s
a well meaning man,, inclined to fear that we might abufe the fupe-
riority of our power again ft him and his people; but at: the fame
time benevolent,, good-natured,, and. ftudioufly promoting the
wealth, power,, and happinefs . o f his people; though I believe
him incapable o f afting in 'fo noble, difinterefted, and generous a:
manner as- Towha,. who would have Ihone. as a great charafter,
in whatever nation he might have happened to live.. Th e charafter.
o f the lifter;, is in- my opinion, lefs amiable than that o f O -T o o ,.
efpecially i f it be. true, what a great many ufed to tell u s , that
file was a kind of a MefiaKna, demeaning herfelf fo low as to admit
Toutous- to her embraces. Befides this inftance o f the- immorality
and felfifimefs of the great, I can add another.;.. Wfdhiee-oik and.
Eotatou her hulband, were- fo greedy after the poffeffion o f red
parrots feathers, that having fold all. the h o gs , which they poflibly
could fpare,. together, with.a fine helmet, feveral breaft-plates,
and .a mourning drefs, they, agreed.'to proftitute Wairiee-ou, and
flie in confequence offered herfelf to Captain Cook, and appeared
as a ready viftim...
— — — ‘Tunica nxeiata recinSta:
I muft confefs, having received a favourable and great idea o f
Potatou’s charafter, this tranfaftion made me alhamed o f h im ;
and.being before elated with.the thought of having found a nation,