1 14 L O R D A N S O N ’ S V O Y A G E
on fliore, to creep out of their tents, and crawl about, were foon
relieved, and recovered their health and ftrength in a very Ihort
time; but in the reft, the difeafe feemed to have acquired a degree
of inveteracy, which was altogether without example.
Having proceeded thus far, and got our fick on Ihore, I think it
neceffary, before I enter into any longer detail of our tranfaiftions,
to give a diftinft account of this Ifland o f Juan Fernandes, its fix a tion,
produftions, and all its conveniences. Thefe particulars we
were-well enabled to be minutely inftrufled in, during our three
months ftay there ; and as it is the only commodious place in thofe
feas, where Britijh cruifers can refrelh and recover their.men, after
their paffage round Cape Horn, and where they may remain for
fome time without alarming the Spanijh coaft, thefe its advantages
will merit a circumftantial defcription. Indeed, Mr. Anfin was
particularly induftrious in direfting the roads and coafts to be Surveyed,'
and other obfervations to be made, knowing, from his
own experience, of how great confequence thefe materials might;
prove to any Britijh yelfels hereafter employed in thofe feas ; for
the uncertainty we- were in o f its pofition, and our ftanding in for
the Main on the 28th o f May, in order to fecure a fufficient eaffi-
ing, when we were indeed extremely near it, coft us the lives of
between feventy and eighty o f our men, hy our longer continuance,
atfea; from which fatal accident we might have been exempted,,
had we been furnilhed with fuch an account of its fixation, as we.
could fully have depended on.
The Ifland of Juan Fernandes lies in. the latitude of 33” ; 40'
South, and is a hundred and ten leagues diftaut from the Continent
o f Chili. It is faidto have received its name from a Spaniard, who.
formerly procured a grant of it,, and refided there fame time, with,
a view of fettling on i t ; but afterwards abandoned it. On .approaching
it on its eaft-fide, it appears as repreferited in the annexed
plate, where (u) is a fmall Ifland, called Goat JJland, to the,
S. W . o f i t ; (£) a rock called Monkey Key, almoft contiguous to it;
(0 ts the Eaft b ay; (d j Cumberland Bay,, where we moored, and